Oct 15, 2004 04:51
I've got problems lol! I say I'm goin' to bed, but do I? No! I always do this. I find somethin' else that I'm completely interested in...like updatin' my l.j. looks. And by the way, I must say...I love that clover! Spin! Go 'round 'n 'round to your lil' heart's desire! lol...ahhh...I use that thing everywhere I go now. Oh, now there's a subject to touch on - Everywhere I go.
I'm part of other sites, that sort of allow of me to do this - write. But sadly, those other sites come with more than I bargained for. I hate it now, actually. But even more sad, is the fact that I am addicted to them anyway. My weekness - pleasing people. I end up meeting new people, and I get along with them so well...buildin' a quick friendship. They end up tellin' me about how everyone they meet ends up eventually leaving the "online" world, and that they're sick of it. Oh, well that's just great! Now how am I supposed to leave when I want to - lettin' another friend down? There's 2 sides of the spectrum though.
1) This isn't real, everyone is superficial. I should know better than to talk to people on the internet, they're all psycho's anyhow...I should be spending more time with my real friends.
2) These "online" people are real people, with real feelings so the friendships built are worthwhile. Regardless if I'll ever meet them or not. I'm gettin' to know them, and they're a friend just like all the other friends in my life.
Well...the truth is...I don't know. I feel both, and everything in between. It's hard to judge who's sencere or not...but then I feel like I waste too much time talkin' to people that I'll never see. I dunno! I think I'm just weird! lol...oh don't mind me. One of these days, I'll figure it out...either to completely drop talkin' to people online...or I'll donate myself to science so they can enter me literally into the virtual world. LOL...how cool would that be!? Oh, well, maybe not.
Ok...on that note...I'm really needin' to get to bed. I've in dire need of a good dream. Oooh, I hope I get to swim without needin' to breathe...or maybe I'll get to fly! hehe...well g'night ;-)
Purpose of entry = Tryin' to make myself sleepy so I have to go to bed!