no so hott.

Dec 15, 2005 19:05

Today was pretty much a excessively greasey, undercooked, not-well-enough-toasted, slightly moldy, three-day-old grilled cheese sandwhich.

So morning practice wasnt bad- quite chill in fact...just did some jumps and stretched, then stopped at dunkin doughnuts on the way back to school and enjoyed some chai and a boston cream....

and that was just about all the good that I can recall in the past 24 hours...

I guess math wasnt dreadful...althoguh Im sure that i made it that for everyone else....I asked so many questions through my confusion, but gladly left understanding so much more. so yet, i certainly benifited from the situation- i just hope the people who understood it already didnt spend the time giving me the middle finger in their heads, and started the homework or something instead. I must say i am glad I do understand it now though!

Next was chem....and can i just say that going from math to chem is pretty much intolerable on days like these? I like Mr. Norris, and if the concept is easy- i can take it, but going from being so confused in math, to being a fucking helpless cause in whatever the hell we are doing now (which, for the record I now understand also...yeah afterschool help!) isnt exactly lovelyness in my eyes. APUSH wasnt too bad, althoguh I did have trouble concentrating. I kept flipping out and making mental lists of what I have to do..coincendentally, mostly APUSH things because the number of things in unending especailly in there....I just dont know...

Then 20th Century....thank god for 20th.
As soon as I walk in there- my life changed...
..for 80 minutes anyway.
seriously sometimes- walking into mr mcleans classroom is like having a white, warm, down feather conforter being wrapped around you, unexpectdly, on the most intolerabley cold day of winter......being there and sitting through a class, listening attentively and happily for 80 minutes truely seems to relieve all of my stress. temporarily. Today I didnt even want it to end- because next I had spanish and that god damn marianela testtttttttttt!
argh.....which I refuse to talk took me what...3 hours?!?!?!?! oh my god...

anyway, i took an hour long nap as soon as i got home, and i still havent started my homework...

Im also getting sick.

I know that if theres a snow day tomorrow, it could possibly and quite probably cause additional stress to the week to come...but at this point, a snow day is most definitely at the very top of my "PLEASE-PLEASE-PLEASE-I-need-this list" right about now.


Argh- I hate it when I do entrys about how helpless and upset I feel, and I wanted to add this-

No matter how sad, upset and stressed out I am, I have to always refuse to actaully feel helpless- give up, or feel like my situation is unsolvable. My situation really is nothing- I blow things up sometimes, and make myself feel like it will never get better- but I know that I will be back to normal tomorrow- or maybe not for a few more days, it doesnt matter how long, because i am certain things will be fine for me soon- whereas so many other people in the world have it so much much worse that my words and complaints are a harmless, however slightly annoying hangnail, compared other i could choose to ignore my upsets, or supress them...but as every persongets upset, as I am, I chose to complain...all I have to do is remember its really not the end of my world. at all.

writing this really made me feel so much better...
I think ill go do some god damn chem homework!
Im actally quite motivated now.
and my throat even feels better.

oh my goodness.
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