Pretext: As some of you know, I've been taking an ancient Greek Phil class. As less of you know, my roommate autumn is a total organic hippy.
Text: I've been wondering lately about life. More specifically, I've been wondering how apathetic a person should be about it. Here are some points I've been concerning myself with.
Where do you draw the line between caring and being insensitive?
When should "Profound" or "Intelligent" endeavors take precedence over simple carnal pleasure (not just sex, there are a lot of things that fall into this category).
Why should you bother thinking philosophically about certain things? What does it get you?
When does anti-consumerism turn into non-sense being spouted out by pretentious students? Is it always just a result of pretension?
Oh my god, does it get better after college?
Lets start with the apathy. I'm a little sleepy right now, in fact, after this, I think I will go to bed. But I could have gone to bed much earlier, I just didn’t feel like it. I haven’t really been doing anything, I played solitaire, listened to music, watched some stuff on the internet. Nothing terribly stimulating. But it felt more productive than sleeping. You know its bad when your justification for not sleeping one night is, "Eh, I don’t need sleep, I slept last night for a little bit." Its not like this is just tonight, this has been going on for a few weeks now. Ever since the Tuesday of Sorc hell week. (a fantastic week)
I suppose I've just been wondering why I bother caring about anything, when I really don't get anything in return. I'm not griping, I'm just saying, what do you get out of it? Caring that is, what do you get out of caring, about a show? a car? sleep? a boy/girlfriend? you can have/do/use/participate in all those things without really caring. Just a way to take up your time until the point at the end of your life where you don't have to worry about doing anything anymore.
So what does caring get you? You get wrapped up in something, and then when you realize its no good for you, you can't let go. That doesn’t really help. And if you don't care, letting go is easier. So in a lot of cases, being apathetic is healthier.
I don't care about Savs anymore. Doing Savs made me drive a long way and made me stay up late. That was detrimental to me mentally and financially. Now that I don’t care I can let go of savs and find something more beneficial to do with my time. See? It’s really better that way, if you don't care.
Is it insensitive to no longer care about the savs? Really, if the above were true, then the savs should: if they cared about me, rejoice in my improved life. If they didn’t care, not get too worked up about it because who cares. But if I were to leave the savs for the reasons I mentioned above, whether a person cared or not, they would feel upset or insulted. Does that make me insensitive? Or am I just moving on for the betterment of my own life?
One example I wanted to point out is from my (used to be, back in high school) friend, Rurik's, AIM profile. "End this Genocide" Genocide has a link to some myspace group for some obscure protest to oppression somewhere that no one has ever heard of. Its not like I support Genocide, but I just don't care about some crap that Rurik put in his profile. Especially since he probably just put it in there to save face and not look insensitive, even though he really doesn’t care.
Next up, When do profound endeavors take precedence over pleasure. Uh, example? I have one that I don't want to use... hmm. OK, when should I spend time considering the meaning of virtue when I could be having sex. I know, its kind of an extreme example, but its good for its purpose. I guess another could be, why should I listen to my hippie roommate talk about what she thinks about something that she doesn’t know much about, while I could be playing warcraft, or re-lacing my fucking shoe, or anything else more interesting. At what point to I get to be apathetic about what other people think and shut them out so I can enjoy my day off? It’s kind of harsh, and Very selfish, but the point of this is to discover at what point I can be selfish and not care too much about it.
I'm tired, I'm not gonna bother with the other ones.