1. Talk to a boy/girl you like today?
2. Realize anything?
There is a reason I go to Fry's only once a year. Black friday is that reason.
3. Talk to an ex.
For a moment
4. Miss someone?
5. Slept in your bed?
Other than me?
6. Saw/heard you cry?
7. You went to the movies with?
Adam, Caitlin, Lou, Aumna, Maria (Was Aaron there?)
8. Went to the mall with you?
My parents >_<
9. You said "I love you" to and meant it?
12.Called you in the middle of the night?
13. Do you have a crush on someone?
More than a crush =P
14. What book are you reading now?
hehe, I dont read books! I MEAN, UM, THE ONE JAN IS LENDING ME
16. Favorite location?
That Lake off of Foothill expressway
17. piercing/tattoos?
18. What are you really most scared of right now?
Loosing friends
19. Where do you want to get married?
Somewhere Sunny
20. Hate anyone?
Try not to.
21. Anyone hate you?
I'm sure of it =P
22. Do you like being around people?
You bet
23. Have you ever cried?
Gee no never
24. Are you lonely right now?
Not today ^_^
26. Been on radio/TV?
27. Ever liked someone, but you think they never noticed you?
haha, doesnt that happen to everyone?
28. Ever liked someone who treated you like crap?
29. How many beds did you lay in yesterday?
NONE! not even my own
30. What color shirt are you wearing?
31. Name three things that you do almost every day?
Drive, Work, Eat
35. Who got you to join myspace?
Screw Myspace!
36. What did you have for dinner last night?
turkey, stuffing, yams, potatoes, pie.
39. What web site do you visit the most?
40. Do you have plants in your room?
is mold a plant? JUST KIDDING! Theres no mold. the answer is no.
41. Does anything hurt on your body right now?
my left shoulder
42. Where was your last cab ride?
Never took a cab
43.Where Is THIS Question?
44. Would you have a problem if your friend went after your ex?
depends on the ex