Jun 25, 2007 07:44
Day 1 in Singapore - well, not really: I flew in late last night, late enough that there weren't that many people in the Metro, yet not late enough that the Metro was shut down. Because I'm only expecting funds to be deposited into my account later today, cheap is the order of the day. Cabbing it here would have cost me more than $20. The Metro, in stark contrast, cost me $2.
That said, I've just spent a god-awful amount of money for Internet access at this hotel - which I will happily charge to the office (later, spurred on by guilt, doubtless I will try to accomplish some work here from the hotel room) as I have discovered not one, but two viruses bloating up my laptop. I first noticed the strange behavior last night, when, despite careful management of the programs installed on my PC, the C Drive reported only 50 kb of free space. I panicked; there's no other way to describe what happened. A quick trip to grisoft.com got me a fresh copy of AVG Free. Twenty minutes later finds me facing down not one, but TWO viruses.
The horrible irony is that I got both those viruses at work, through flash disks.
But enough about that. I'm in Singapore all this week, and not entirely happy about it. With so much happening at home it makes no sense for me to be here, but here I am - a casualty of a training program that I shouldn't be ungrateful for, really, since it affords me the luxury of travel. No World of Warcraft, no happy dogs, and no beautiful wife to take care of me... only downloaded videos and a couple of books to keep me sane.
Still, it looks to be a good week. I'm looking forward to seeing what becomes of it.
Jenn Burg, I'm sorry I can't be home for you... my prayers are with you and your family.
singapore 2007