Every so often my brain gives up on trying to organize all the information flowing into it. At any given moment it maintains complex plans for business development, city planning, deck construction, and financial growth - while keeping the plots of the two novels and whatever nonfiction books I’m currently reading separate. More than once I’ve found myself staring blankly at my computer screen, mindless of the fact that twenty minutes have gone by without so much as a peep from me.
It’s been that way now for about six days. I know I’m on the edge of something and I’m itching to change. It’s the New Year coming up, perhaps, or maybe old age maturity setting in. I’m holding back all the knee-jerk reactions like killing this blog or giving up my job, but sooner or later, something gives, and right now my brain is tuning into stations that aren’t on any frequency known to man.
In the meantime I’m as irritable as a dog with a toothache, and God forbid that anyone should try being cheerful around me. In a few days, no doubt, this haze will lift and Christmas cheer will fill me to the brim, but for now that relief is a distant speck on the horizon. I’ve already chewed out two salespersons brave or desperate enough to cold-call me, and given the quality of service I’ve been getting from PLDT and Globe lately, theirs won’t be the last bodies I’ll be stashing away under the floorboards.
So Christmas is coming up. Iea and I haven’t even started on our Christmas shopping. Thanks to some financial imprudence we’ll be skimping on gifts this year - sorry, folks. We’re generous year-round anyway, if that’s any consolation. There are just so bloody many of you we like giving to.
In the meantime, please be aware that my e-mail’s been buggy for the past few days. I haven’t received any e-mail since I got back from Malaysia a week ago. I also haven’t really had much time to do anything Net-wise besides download the latest comics. That won’t change anytime soon, as the rigodon of Christmas parties this year competes with We Love Katamari and Fatal Frame 3 for my precious time. And sleep. I love sleep. I could sleep all day, given half a chance.
Because it’s best to get these things out early, here are my goals for 2006:
By the first day of December 2006, I will:
- Have at least P200,000 invested (in various currencies, as long as the equivalent is P200,000).
- Have completed my master’s degree.
- Have won at least one VS Pro Circuit Qualifier.
- Have placed in the Top 8 of every $10K VS tournament in which I play.
- Have taken my wife to Boracay.
- Have started learning one new language (German? Thai? Chinese? Japanese?).
- Have maintained the weight I have now. (For the first time in my life, I am at my ideal weight. You have no idea how much this disturbs me.)
See what’s not on the list? Babies. I want them too, but I know that the best things in life come at the proper times. They’ll come, just hang in there. And yes, I want you to be titos and titas too.
There will likely be other things, but in the meantime this’ll do. I’ll probably come up with a more comprehensive list in a little while, after the pounding in my head subsides.
Be well, folks. I’ll be amusing again soon.