Feb 08, 2008 20:06
I've never baby-sitted before in my whole entire life
and OMFG. D:
my auntie dropped my best friends son off at my house cus she had to work at my mum's restuarant and there was no-one who could look after him
(my best friends in Thailand at the mo.)
it started off realllyyyy well. I walked him to the park, played for a bit and went to Toys R US with him
he was so cute,picking up cars and playing with it xD
after that we walked home, along the way there was a slope so i gave him a piggyback down it and he was giggling and such. Awwww :)
+He really is such a cutie though, tuff of hair at the front XD gahhhh so adorable
after we got home he ran straight to the pringle tube so i just let him be and went on LJ
then he called me and i was like "huh?" turned around and saw this....thing on his hands
it took me a while to realized they were poo -____- it looked so much like peanut butter ;[
and you would not belive this - he wiped his hands on our FOOD table and giggled like crazy. I WZ NT AMUZED.
so we went upstairs to the toilet and i had to take his nappies off DDDD;
i really dont want to describe the surprise that were waiting in it XD
basically, i screamed and jumped back
so i kicked the nappy to the side. My aunt can clean it up later :)
washed his hands and took him downstairs AGAIN to change his nappies
and guess what? he stuck his hands up his arse for the second time and tried to use the same hand to finish off the tube of pringle
*shoots self*
i washed his hands again and this time and MADE him sit next to me whilst im on the intranetz
hahaha poor boy xD
he looked bored so i turned on Ayumi Hamasaki 'Evolution' and he was going "woooo yeahhh wo wo wo yeahhhh" to the song
He is so cute, but maybe im just not use to changing babie's nappies yet >.>
poo lol babies thailand