41st Entry

Sep 16, 2010 21:47


Somehow one of Granny Riddleton’s puzzle bottles found its way here. I wonder if she’ll notice it’s gone now?

I suppose I should solve the puzzle inside it though, if there is one I mean-

[Luke’s suddenly cut off by the sound of a faint thump, like someone hitting the ground. The phone remains silent for several seconds before Luke answers, ( Read more... )

player plot, halluncinations, where did mayfield go

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B supersizedpower September 17 2010, 02:47:55 UTC
[America's walking by carrying a couple cars back from the shop! They're piled high so he doesn't know where he's going, and he just about trips over Luke.]


Re: B bluecapboy September 17 2010, 03:01:28 UTC
[Whoa! Luke moves out of the way. And he doesn't see the cars or else he'd be pretty impressed.]

Careful, you'll ruin it!


B supersizedpower September 17 2010, 03:04:33 UTC
Ruin what?


Re: B bluecapboy September 17 2010, 03:07:26 UTC
The tea!

[Adds in...a rock.]


supersizedpower September 17 2010, 03:10:04 UTC
Oh. Gross.


bluecapboy September 17 2010, 03:13:29 UTC
[Man that's another person insulting his tea.

He tried to use less Brisk Berry this time. =<]

It's not that bad.


supersizedpower September 17 2010, 03:16:18 UTC
Tea is always gross!


bluecapboy September 17 2010, 03:23:46 UTC
That's just because you haven't found one you liked yet. I felt the same way until I tried Oasis Berry tea.

...Uh, say, have you seen the Molentary Express train station? I've walked around for a while but I can't seem to find it...


supersizedpower September 17 2010, 03:25:55 UTC
The what?

There's not a train station here, kid, and I know you're not new.


bluecapboy September 17 2010, 03:31:22 UTC
Of course there is! How else am I suppose to get back to London? I don't think there's any cars in Folsense...


supersizedpower September 17 2010, 03:36:21 UTC
Are you okay?


bluecapboy September 17 2010, 04:30:00 UTC
I'm just fine! I just want to find my way out of Folsense! It's pretty strange, all I did was open this bottle here and here I was! Not how I'd imagine leaving Mayfield, but I'm not complaining.


supersizedpower September 17 2010, 04:36:57 UTC
Lemme see that bottle, kiddo.


bluecapboy September 17 2010, 06:12:43 UTC
Here you are, sir!

[Handing it over.]


supersizedpower September 17 2010, 16:33:56 UTC
[tapping on it and then opening it to see what's inside]


bluecapboy September 17 2010, 16:41:43 UTC
[Hope you enjoy a nice faceful of gas!]


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