
May 05, 2008 12:10

So I expanded my morning run route and got to see a whole new part of my neighborhood, which was awesome. Also, I think I have a relatively good 4 mile route picked out, so now I can up my base mileage to 4 and be happy about where I'm running.

In other news, a friend of mine seems to be passively aggressively mad at me, which I have a hard time dealing with. I never know if it's better to just ignore passive aggressives - she hasn't said anything to me, that would make her reasonable instead of PA - or if I should approach her/email her about it. I'm leaning toward just ignoring her, because I don't really feel like I have any responsibility to address issues with her that she won't even talk to me about. Also I have a tendency to want to wash my hands of friends who act like big babies. Then again, upwards of 70% of the population* has this PA problem and I do have to learn how to deal with them. Suggestions?

*percentage entirely made up by me based on personal experience - a totally scientific method.
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