Tagged by HBird
Things that piss me off:
1. Stupid people
2. My lack of will power
3. Electronics that don't work
4. Stupid drivers
5. Nightmares & scary movies
6. Getting tricked :P
Things that make me happy:
1. Harry Potter movies
2. young adult fantasy books cuz they're awesome
3. Orange creamsicles
4. Summer
5. Flip flops
6. Sleeping Ashie cat
7. Losing weight
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starstruckchica I've been stuck at J's house without internet for a while. It's nice to have it back (we're at his dad's right now). Yay! I'm so happy it's been warm the past few days. It's made me SO HAPPY! SO SO HAPPY! Flip flops ♥ They are my friend. I'm just sad that it's gunna get cold again on Tuesday =( BOO. I was enjoying this. It's the perfect weather. Warm & breezy without bugs.
Tuesday was a nice 5 hr drive to Lynchburg :P Bing, J & I rented Corpse Bride but didn't watch it. Wednesday J & I sat around & did nothing. Went to Target with his mom when she got off work so I could get Harry Potter & stuff. And watched Corpse Bride after :] It's so cute! I knew I'd like it ^^
Yesterday was fun :] Met Faye at Bing's parents' restaurant for lunch, then off to JCrew outlet (where we met Bing). I got some things cuz hey, JCrew outlet. I mostly blame Jonathan cuz he convinced me to get some unnecessary things just cuz they were on sale. But ohwell. Then the 4 of us then went bowling where I proceeded to suck. YAY ME! After bowling we met J's dad at CiCi's Pizza. Mmm so good. Not even slightly conducive to the diet, but starting that after spring break. His parents then left & the 3 of us went bargain shopping XD I got meself some O'Neill's board shorts & an I ♥ California shirt. Yay cheap stuff! Since the weather was so awesome, we went to play putt-putt where Jonathan royally kicked our asses *sad face* Bing & I sucked like whoa. But at the arcade, I kicked their asses. I totally beat them BOTH at a laser shooting game. Sweetness, cuz I rock!! hahaha And then there were the air hockey games where I also beat them both, though J beat me once cuz I kept knocking it in my own goal :P Then we went home to watch King Arthur which was actually pretty damn good.
Today we went to Bing's restaurant again (with Bing). Then went to the mall and played at the arcade. Yay arcade! I also rock at House of the Dead ^^ Took $1.50 (or was it $2) to almost beat the game. 2 more quarters would've done it, but we didn't wanna cash out $5 just to beat the game. Ended up with 510 tickets o_O What do 3 college kids do with 510 tickets at an arcade? Get 3 bouncy balls and a bunch of candy XD
Probably off to Bing's restaurant again tomorrow afternoon. He gave us free ice cream the other day :] Mmm. Hershey's ice cream.
Iowanna study. Cuz Amulet of Samarkand is good :P