*whines* Does not want. I need to be better so I can go boarding again on Friday >.< I always get randomly sick. Little bits of uncomfortable-ness etc. It's a headache, a bit of aches, a scratchy throat and congestion. Unfortunately, our delivery for 10.1 ends this Friday so I'm pretty sure I need to be at work. That and I have class Wednesday :P Boo.
So, to keep myself occupied until Chuck and HIMYM are on, more from
List ten celebrity crushes (in order of preference), then answer the questions under the cut.
1. Ryan Reynolds
2. Josh Jackson
3. Zac Efron
4. Ewan McGregor
5. Matthew Goode
6. James McAvoy
7. Zachary Levi
8. Bradley Cooper
9. Josh Duhamel
10. Christian Bale
So what do you like most about 2? (Josh Jackson)
Sarcasm/wit. I've always been into the nerdy sidekick and that was what he was on Dawson's Creek. I just loved that. He's always that type of character. I wanted to find a guy just like him, not even joking. Then I did. And then realized how much of a PAIN in the ASS they can be ;)
If you could do anything with 4, what would it be? (Ewan McGregor)
Just talk to him.. seriously! I'm all about the accents! (as if that wasn't noticeable..)
Who would you choose between 5 and 7? (Matthew Goode / Zachary Levi)
Oh that's just wrong.. they're both so damn cuddly! And by cuddly I definitely mean other things! ... I can't choose T_T I'm inclined to say Matthew Goode (for the accent, of course). But... *sigh*
Out of a ten, how much would you rate 1? (Ryan Reynolds)
Have you seen this man? Especially shirtless?? Sweet niblets! He's hot, ripped, and witty as hell. LOVES. IT. 10+, thanks.
What do you find most attractive about 1? (Ryan Reynolds)
On the most shallow level, his body o_O
If you could go out with 3, what type of date would you go on? (Zac Efron)
Amusement park :D
If 8 was a type of season, which season would it be? (Bradley Cooper)
Why is 10 not higher up your list? (Christian Bale)
He's just so serious
So what does 10 have to do to be brought higher up? (Christian Bale)
Maybe not have a remix made of your angry rant?.....
What would the ideal situation be for you for 2 and 4? Josh Jackson / Ewan McGregor)
That's a really weird pairing, but Josh Jackson would definitely be the sidekick in that one :P
Which two people would you want to be stuck with on a desert island?
Christian Bale and Josh Jackson. They seem the most resourceful (especially the former!).
Marry, shag or cliff - 4, 6, 8? (Ewan McGregor / James McAvoy / Bradley Cooper).
Well that's just mean. Very very mean. Marry Ewan McGregor (ohman, I could so get used to hearing that voice the rest of my life), shag James McAvoy (I would've chosen Bradley Cooper as he's the most likely but I just can't off James McAvoy!), and cliff Bradley Cooper
What do you hate most about 7? (Zachary Levi)
I'm really not sure... I haven't seen him in anything but Chuck and he's the most adorable bumbling idiot ever.
Have you ever thought how you'll react when you meet 3? (Zac Efron)
Not really, but I just hope I don't pull a teenybopper on him o_O Awwwkwarrrd
Have you seen 1 and 2 together on TV before? (Ryan Reynolds / Josh Jackson).
No, but Paul Walker was close... ? And that was a movie.. a pretty bad movie. Mostly cuz Paul Walker can't act..
Have you ever dreamt about 6? (James McAvoy)
Why no, I have not.
Who would you take to a prom/ball with you?
Josh Jackson :D
Cuddle, glomp, or kiss 1, 3, 5? (Ryan Reynolds / Zac Efron / Matthew Goode)
Cuddle Matthew Goode, glomp Ryan Reynolds, kiss Zac Efron
If you could give anything to 10, what would it be? (Christian Bale)
A trip to the spa
Out of all of them - who would you:
Kick? I guess Christian Bale? But he'd probably kick my ass.... SO ANGRY!
Kiss? Ryan Reynolds... whoo!
Pinch cheek? James McAvoy (I agree with Hbird!)
Run away with? Josh Jackson
Act like an idiot with? Bradley Cooper
Cry on? Ewan McGregor
Take to see your parents? Zachary Levi
Cross dress with? hmm... Matthew Goode? He looked pretty in Watchmen..
Swap lives with for a day? Zac Efron... ? No idea.
Make my throat stop itching :P OMG so tired... *falls over* I got the flu shot, dammit!!