My belly button also really itches. Wore a button down shirt today, and it kept getting caught on the ring so I had to put some gauze over it. Still, it got a bit irritated so it really itches :P
Oh tv shows, how I've missed thee. Grey's premiere is tomorrow \o/ Not that anyone I know really watches it anymore, but it's one of those shows that I've gotta see through since I've watched for so long. It's like a car wreck you can't stop staring at. A little like how I stuck through Dawson's Creek and Buffy... the last couple seasons of both those weren't my favorite, but isn't that how it always ends up?
Heroes is all whacked outta control, but could you expect any less. Like I've said, after watching that it felt like my brain was fried like eggs on a pan. Wu and Mike stopped by Monday night after their gym expedition cuz I had a sudden urge to bake.. and made banana bread and chocolate chip cookies o_O Lookit me, being all domesticated. Tim came over to study with J, so us 3 secluded ourselves in the computer room (which got really warm with 2 computers, 4 monitors and a TV on).
HIMYM was... legen-- wait for it -- dary XD Mostly since NPH is my hero. There were flickers of Dr. Horrible that episode. I just love the random references and cuts (121 awesome minutes later..). Makes the show great. Mike drowned out the TV half the time due to his uncontrollable laughter (seriously. sometimes we seat him at the way end at movies cuz he laughs like a retard lol). Mike left after that since he never watched Heroes... so then the "WTF" faces ensued.
Seriously. Through the entire episode Wu & I kept staring at each other going "seriously? .. .. seriously?!" And of course he'd comment on how hot Maya was.. and I'd go "yay Peter!"
Mohinder seems way out of character. Seems like he wouldn't have injected himself last season. And the whole Future!Peter shouldn't exist... if his future was changed, then he shouldn't be there. Oh, also, WHERE'S CAITLIN?! The chick from Ireland last season. Who's in the future that doesn't exist anymore either. Are they really just gunna leave her there??? .. probably :P
Nathan going preachy was just... odd. And I have no idea what it has to do with the storyline at all. Or "Linderman"'s appearance. Then again, the entire show's gone whacked, so why the hell not!
WHY CAN'T THEY JUST KILL SYLAR FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. He's a freaking awesome villain, I get that. But he's so... blah. He pokes brains. I get that :P Why couldn't Claire have just stabbed him to death instead of a little poke. And Petrelli mother? Possible? Probably. Crazy ass show..
Tuesday's are now devoted to Fringe and oh, how I love Joshua Jackson. I squee about every 10 minutes when the show is on, professing my love. Jonathan stares at me oddly =X Bing comes over to watch with us since he doesn't have a TV at his apartment. JJackson always plays the same character; quippy, adorable, sarcastic bastard. It's great :) I devoted my entire life to finding a Pacey-like guy.. and you know what, sometimes they're a complete pain in the ass (thank you jonathan...) yet loveable.
Show's interesting. Sometimes a bit hard to believe, but they try to make it believable. Enough secrets to keep the show interesting and "different" than all the other shows of the same vein. Wonder if they'll renew it for another season.. If the JJ Abrams fans are enough to keep it going. And JJackson fans ♥
He was supposed to be on Grey's before the offer of Fringe came. It would've been really awesome to see him as Yang's love interest... cuz he would be the sarcastic bastard again XD But then with all the sexual tension with the bitchy Yang \o/ But hey, on Fringe that means he gets more face-time.. and shirtless time ;)
Onto books! I'm re-reading Eragon and Eldest since I can't remember anything that happened. Bought Brisingr this weekend, though. It's just chillen on my kitchen table. I'm about halfway through Eldest now.. kinda read it through class tonight =X SO BORING! The prof last class spent THREE HOURS on 27 slides. I almost cried. Anyway, books. So after Brisingr, I bought
Mirror, Mirror to continue my collection of Gregory Maguire books. Also bought the leatherbound
Wicked / Son of a Witch since I haven't read the latter and the former's somewhere with J's mom. Yay books!! \o/ Work's been so boring, so I've been sneaking in reads. Nevermind the fact that I accidentally fell asleep at work today for about an hour... shhh >_>