almost time to move.. again

Jun 15, 2008 13:28

Less than 2 weeks till I'll be completely in my new apartment o_O Too bad I only have 3 boxes packed so far.. and a shit ton of stuff *cry* I was gunna pack today, but Tommy called and asked if I'd go to Ikea with him.. I can't turn down Ikea :( I fail! *cry* Ohwell. I'll pack little by little during the week? ... ... yeeeah. This will be interesting. This coming weekend I'm going to NYC for my step sister's wedding, so time's running a little short. J's parents called and his father, step mother and mother all wanna come help us move o_O My mother was like "..what? I would've totally left your ass" Yes. Thanks Fluffy :) Which is why I'm completely weirded out by this banding together to help us move.. I was just gunna harass Mike & Tommy :P

This weekend was pretty entertaining. Went to Target on Friday after work with Janel & Tommy to get stuff for Angie's baby shower. I managed to see a dude I went to high school with.. and I think he was studiously trying to avoid eye contact cuz he's now a Target employee. I would say it's my overactive imagination but he was looking real hard over the other edge of his escalator. His head flicked away really quick when he looked in my direction. Eh, go figure. But HAH! :P (yes, slightly bitter. high school was not a good time)

Saturday, J actually had a day off! It was amazing! We took the metro to the National Zoo and it was humid and hot but tons of fun ^^ My 2 favorite places: Disney & the zoo. Which makes Animal Kingdom at Disneyworld fricken awesome, but I digress. I always forget how much I hate the invertebrate section cuz of the huge freaking orb weaver spiders at the exit.. without glass. Just chillen. In the open. And their webs. x_x I about started hyperventilating.. Couldn't enjoy the pretty butterflies on the way out cuz of the stupid spiders. Ugh. And the bird-eating tarantula. J was all pointing it out to me, "CHECK IT OUT! IT'S AWESOME!" *punchintheface*

We got back to Springfield around 530 and headed to Tysons for dinner :) We made reservations for Brio Tuscan Grille and it was pretty dang awesome. A bit on the pricey side, but it's not like we go have nice foods for dinner often. Then some Dairy Queen for dessert ;) Mmm.. chocolate dipped cone <3 All in all, it was a highly eventful weekend. These next 2 weekends coming up will be just as busy *sigh* And then July 4 after that.. luckily, I go to Mike's house so much that his mother doesn't even think anything of it when I'm always there. So when I crash his house for July 4 (cuz hai, i has no families up here) it won't be too weird. hehe. Considering J will probably be working -_-

Also, I've got a badass tan \o/ I've been going to the pool with Mike after work about twice a week. Too bad I ended up with a halter tan from my bikini and I have a strapless dress for the wedding. Awkward much? But yay! Cole and Leela! I'll be coming back with tons of pictures of those kids ♥ So cute.

awesomeness, j, zoo

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