I need my cell phone contract to be up nowwww. Fricken gotta wait *sigh* I'm so very impatient. I've been waiting forever now to get a new phone, especially with all my issues with the chocolate. The new version of the chocolate was awesome cuz it got rid of the ridiculous sending problems with the touch capabilities. One accidental touch called my mom at fricken 6am o_O And the tendency for my cheek to mute people.
I've been waiting not-so-patiently for the
LG Voyager which I've wanted since July. Then Tommy, who's great at finding gadgets (same with Wes, but he was not available at the moment :P boo), found the
Samsung Glyde which is essentially the same thing as the Voyager, but seems thinner, sleeker, and has a slide out qwerty board than a flip one. I kinda like the Samsung one. Supposedly Verizon's releasing it in May, so it'll make it in time for June.
My one issue is the data connectivity.. can I make my own ringtones? Cuz I've sure as hell gotten used to that in the last 4 years I've had my phones. All my LG phones have worked great with BitPim, but iono how the Glyde would work out... I'd have to read reviews for that one :P And hope they have that same capability.. don't wanna be paying for that crap. I'm debating about VCast.. dunno how useful it'll be considering I can't bring my phone to work :( Boo.
...I want a new phone, dammit.
I also told Ralph I'm taking this Friday off.. for no good reason. I just don't wanna work. I haven't had a day off since January 1st (and this totally isn't counting when I had the flu and was ridiculously miserable). James helped me finish the big project I've been working on for the last 2 weeks. Made it before the deadline of April 11th \o/ Now I'm working on revamping stuffs and possibly helping Tommy get acclimated to the system.. which basically means he'll ask me then I'll ask Janel =X
Janel went around pranking everyone today. They were cute little jokes :) She taped a little note that covered our optical mouses that said "happy april fool's day!" which tripped out a few people. Kurt started unplugging his mouse cuz he never thought of turning it over and checking the sensor =X Janel & I also swapped the plugs on Tommy's dual screen monitors, so it freaked him out for a sec when his mouse was not going in the correct direction. I also took out the batteries to his CD player and replaced him with old ones so he thought he spent his brand new batteries in a day :P We amused ourselves, as you can tell. This is what happens when they stick us in the basement. Without windows.
I think I'll do some spring cleaning this weekend since I'll be able to sleep for a 3-day weekend finally. I wanna throw out all of J's old clothes, but he keeps thinking he'll need them someday. ...he hasn't worn them in 2+years!! If it hasn't been worn in over 2 years, he'll probably never notice it's gone >.< Ugh. Stupid packrat. Drives me insane. He also won't stop keeping computer parts and electronics, which makes everything worse. That and he has so many clothes that it won't fit in the closet AND the dresser. SERIOUSLY.
*grumblegrumble* Stupid packrat. ...*grumble*
ps. someone sure as hell went to a lot of trouble for the
Legen of Zelda movie joke.. extensive o_O pretty badass for a joke, i say.