so what else is new?

May 09, 2007 13:57

I'm graduating in 11 days. Jessica's wedding is in 17 days. I go to Europe in 24 days. Life's just flying by o_O

Finished my finals a while back. Processor fixed. That was done. And I wasn't really.. excited when I finished. That was all that was blocking my way to graduating, and when it was finally fixed, there was no rejoicing. I kinda just collapsed in a heap of tiredness. Billy says I'm a lot less "angry little asian girl" now that school's over... dude, that's really scary. School's OVER. Like. ... What??? I can't really grasp it just yet.

I feel the sadness, but nothing crazy emotional. I'm seriously going to miss Charlottesville. I'm going to miss the school. I'm definitely going to miss all my eschoolers. There was such a common bond of... pain, going through these classes. You could walk up to a kid you've never spoken to your life and strike up a conversation, ask for help. That's what eschool was. It let everyone talk to complete strangers, and it was acceptable. Just in 436 I made new friends, which is insane since it was the last semester here. With only 50 people in computer engineering (or maybe slightly more), you really get to know everyone.

Jonathan's dad came to help us move some stuff out yesterday. We have no kitchen table anymore. I don't have my shelves or comfy comfy papasan chair. Jonathan's big blue leather chair is gone (his room's still a complete MESS). Our house is becoming so empty. Ash is so sad :( She has no where to hide. She was behind my computer chair for hours yesterday, refusing to budge. She usually sleeps on my papasan, but that's gone. So sad :P

Oh, and on Sunday I went to Red Robin with my GameStop crew. Super sweet! Alex bought all of us dinner. It was really really nice of him. Which was a weird change of pace, cuz .. well he's an ass. But he's one of those jerks that pokes fun, doesn't really mean it. I know he just likes to get me riled up and angry. It was a nice change that he showed he really does care. It's also cuz he's a boy.. Boys don't like to show emotion. He's gunna miss me, dammit! haha. Aw :( I'm gunna miss that store. They were fun. Trevor was MIA cuz he got trashed the night before, but hey, the story of his life.

Oh, in random news, my belly button ring got majorly infected. Well, it was infected on and off for a month, and I've been cleaning it and putting stuff on it. Dunno how or what I did, but it started bleeding yesterday :( Had to take it out, so it's sealing itself shut already. I really liked it.. I never even got to wear it out in public. I know it's really silly, but I'm sad about that :P I spent $40 on a belly button ring that I never got to wear out. I mean, that's the point of it. Alas, it wasn't meant to be cuz I'm prone to infections :P Boo.

Only the top has sealed.. the bottom's perfectly fine cuz that part never got infected... I have an urge to put the ring back in and see if it'll do okay, but that might be a stupid stupid idea o_O It was bust open the skin that just closed. Oi.

Oh. For anyone who cares Grey's is getting ridiculous and lame -_- Last week's episode was stuuppiddd. And that makes me sad. But Heroes makes me happy still. Which is getting crazy o_O Hiro needs to hurry and buff up a bit cuz Future Hiro is so BADASS.

Links! Cuz it's what I do these days.
I spent the other day going through youtube and clicking on all BSB and NSync videos. It was fun :) But I couldn't find that damn NSync performance anywhere at the VMAs where they used the plasma TVs to do "Bye Bye Bye." That was an awesome performance... I can't believe it's not on youtube :(

gamestop, links, moving, eschool, graduation, life

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