are we there yet?

Mar 12, 2007 02:23

I looked at my calendar today and it struck me. I'm going to be done with school in about a month in a half. Yeah, graduation isn't for another two months, but essentially, all my school work will be done in a month and a half. It'll be finals time. And.. then I'll be done. No more bitching about eschool destroying my life o_O

It's kinda scary. I'm looking forward to it with both apprehension and excitement. I mean, these 4 years will finally end with that damn piece of paper that tells me I'm worth something. But then.. it'll end with this.. college life. Not like I've lived it stereotypically, but I've had fun.. still having fun. There've been 4 years of roommates come and gone, fights, laughter.. I mean, I've made so many friends. Most of them because we lived in the eschool together overnight o_O All my boys.. their retardedness and pervetedness (though I may be living with 2 of them in the future, so I guess that'll be the same)

I do have regrets and I haven't even left yet. I'm sad that I never even tried to audition for acapella. I was too damn scared to even try. I've always wanted to know whether or not I'd be accepted or rejected, but I've let that chance slip away. I think that'll always be my biggest college regret. Then again, maybe I needed college to open me up to that realization. I've gotten ballsier which is awesome. Too meek before :P

Even more surreal is the Europe trip afterwards. The Europe guide book I bought is now completely sticky-note'd with markings of what countires we'll be staying in and where Contiki's going to guide us. I keep adding things to this long mental note of things I'll need to do, bring.. man, how am I going to limit myself to one suitcase?? I need to bring a crapload of gifts back!!

It's such a crazy rush.. Graduation, Jessica's wedding, Europe, moving to NoVa, starting work.. this is the end of my college life and the "real world" is gunna come flying at me so damn fast.

I'm not sure that I'm ready o_O

ps. On another note, I find it ever so amusing that Kevin (my boss) has Hannah Montana on his playlist. He's a 30yr old gamer. Hannah Montana. Yeah. XD

college, europe, life

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