has consumed my life (thank you Wes). Really, it's because of Heroes. I finally caught up completely. For 3 days straight I did nothing but watch that show. And oh, it has been a beautiful and wonderful experience. I am now officially addicted. Also, I heart Peter Petrelli, but that's always the obvious. And Hiro. Also an obvious. The silly and goofy guys who are super duper sweet ^^ They're like my Xanders/Paceys :] They have one in every show. It's their thing or something.
Found a new webcomic (this one isn't Wes's fault).
Death Piglet. Highly sadistic and the only way you can enjoy it is if you have a sick sense of humor. Which I do :] I had to get Wes to explain to me one of the comics though -_- It was kinda sad.
My graphics project is coming along nicely. Wayne & I are meeting with Prof Bloomfield tomorrow to discuss some minor problems we're having with the slowness. I'll post a screenshot of it when we're done :] We completely scrapped our original Lego Soccer idea and went with a semi-interactive Lego World. We keep adding and deleting and adding more things. It's kinda nuts o_O But pretty awesome if I do say so myself.
Wayne likes to watch TV while we're programming but it only serves to distract me. We watched like 3 movies the other day. Today we watched some Simpsons, Futurama, and Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. I actually concentrated fairly well today ^^ Better than usual atleast.
Also got some grades back. Not so good T_T I was very disappointed in myself. I got a 58 or something on my Computer Organization final. I was SO sad. I thought I actually did well >.< But because of my lab grade I got a B in the class. I guess that's acceptable, but I sure do wish I did better on my final *sigh* Then for Networks I got a 60 something on my final. M'er F'ing aye >.< I was also very upset with myself cuz I ended up with a 78 in the class. The grade letter hasn't been posted, but I probably have a C+. B- if I'm lucky. SO UPSET! But I guess it's okay since my grades technically don't matter since I have a job. I just wanted to do well :oT
Tommy went to his Lockheed interview today and was interviewed by the manager who hired me. At the end of the interview he mentioned me and she actually complimented me! I was like "Huh? You're kidding. Shut up." I think I need to have more confidence in myself... Whatever. But I'm just super excited cuz I think he has a great chance of also getting hired by her. I'm totally hoping he'll work there, too ^^ I also really want Wes to work there cuz it's Wes. He's my buddy. But he's being LAZY! And no idea if he'd even get interviewed by my manager.
Still definitely hoping to work with Tommy :] A friendly friendly face!!
Also, mother keeps telling me more dreadful things about new additions to my California trip. I'm getting upset. Booface :P Whatever. Have to work on my thesis over break. That's bad enough already. Oi....