Jan 04, 2006 16:51
So life is in one of those odd stages right now. After Christmas excitement is over, it's 2006, and finals are approaching.An overall ew! In addition to this my kitchen is being redone...yes that means completely gutted my friends. no drywall anywhere and i am currently eating in my now carpetless living room taht is soon to get new floors, and out of a toster oven. woohoo....
Witht eh coming of 2006, i am soooo ready to be done with school. I'm sick of Murphy and Friedman!
I have a competition for the high school figure skating team Monday so that means i get out of school early. Yeah youre jealous....jsut kidding, unless you really are of course.
For christmas i recieved a digital camera, and i was wondering if anyone could help me out with learning how to put them in photobucket or on here. youre help would be very much appreciated, cuz i'll prolly screw it up if i play around with it to try and figure it out myself.
where did all the snow go? This muggy, rainy, cold, and naked ground stuff is depressing. I think i'd rather have really cold weather with snow than this nasty stuff.
Wow this turned out to me a random collaboration of stuff...:-P