Title: Shower For Two (Nick/Justin)

Sep 20, 2008 22:03

Title: Shower For Two
By David/blueboxers
Pair: Nick/Justin AU
Beta: None - all mistakes are my own.
A/N: OK, so I looked through the requests at fic_requests, saw this request and the image of Nick in a towel came to mind... I hope it fits ok. It's kind of not Nick/Justin but is...

oh wow, it's been ages since i requested anything here. i would love if someone would indulge me and write me some justin/nick. i'm really not picky, although a happy ending would be most appreciated, and though an au would be lovely, it's not at all necessary!

thank you in advance!"

Requested by etsu_88


"Dude! Where the hell is my hair gel?" Nick shouted from the bathroom. He was still damp, fresh from his shower and loosely wrapped in a towel. He was currently standing on his toes, looking in the medicine cabinet over the sink. "I mean, what the fuck. You don't even have enough hair to use my gel and you keep putting it back in the wrong place."

Justin couldn't respond, because he was too busy watching Nick's ass rise up and down in search of hair gel. He couldn't keep his eyes off his roommate/fuck buddy's ass. He really needed to get laid, but Nick was getting ready for a hot date with someone else. He reached down and rubbed his erection through his tented blue boxers. He couldn't help a moan escape from his lips. He really wished that towel would drop.

Nick froze when he heard Justin. He couldn't stop the smile from forming on his face. He wished he could help Justin out, but he really had to get going soon to meet... "Fuck!"

Nick bolted into the bedroom. "Shit, I totally forgot. Kevin has a friend coming along and, if I want any action, you're going to have to play nice with his roommate Lance tonight."

Justin barely had time to scream before he found himself swung over Nick's wet shoulder. Nick marched back in, placed him standing in the shower and then pinned him to the cold wet wall with one hand. He didn't have time to protest before being hit with a spray of ice-cold water right in the face. He heart started to pound when Nick sprayed down his chest.

When Justin finally wrestled the shower handle from Nick, Nick started to soap him up. He reached over and added some hot water as Nick soaped his chest and abs. "Uh, not to sound ungrateful for the freakin' cold water, but shouldn't you have told me you set me up on a blind one night stand?"

"Hey, you got to take one for the team, buddy," Nick laughed as he slid down to his knees and yanked Justin's wet boxers down. He quickly lathered Justin's strong legs and shrunken dick. Justin didn't stay soft for long as Nick gave him a few good strokes.

"Oooohh, hey now!" Justin jumped when Nick shoved a pair of slick fingers up his ass. "You didn't even buy me dinner, yet."

"Look, they're both tops so you need to be clean down there. It would reflect badly on me if you weren't," Nick reasoned, as he made sure Justin was clean from head to toe.

Nick stood up and sprayed Justin down. He looked down at Justin's hard dick and shut the hot water off to cool Justin down before any premature eruptions could occur. He kissed Justin and swallowed squeak as the water shifted to cold. He pulled back and said, "Look. I promise that if tonight isn't the hottest sex you've ever had, I'll give you one to make up for it. I may even let you top for once."

nick, fic, justin, nick - justin

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