(no subject)

Oct 07, 2005 12:59

you filthy whore! we're through/someday we'll find it

so yesterday aka Friday i had a really crappy day.  like crap to the max. hardcore. i went to english all excited for our creative writing field trip and i get there excited to leave early. and all that jazz... but my councelor is there waiting for me. to give me my grades from my progress report cause i'm not staying at my house and all that and i wanted my grades. but it was all suspicious and stuff cause she made me go to her office to print them and didnt just bring them to my class....so i thought somthing was fishy.... so i saw the door was closed and the doors are only closed when the councelors arent there or theres someone in there. and i was like thate weird... maybe she closed it when she came up and got me? and then....


...Ambush! my aunt was there ready to yell at me and be manipulated my mother and tell me horrible things. and be all sad that i cant trust them and what not. it was horrible and they kept asking me things about my side of the story , and what it would take for me to go back, and they called me tons of horrible things and my self esteem was shot, then my aunt started crying and i was about to cry ... and i just couldnt take that shit... and so i said some samartass comment and just left to go to east. and now i have to calll her twice a week and what not... and ugh... it was really sad.  and then i had to go to east.....

and god knows i'm a dramtic person and a good actor and i dont like people asking me things so i put on my fake "everything is fine so smile at the world and be happy you have the perfect life face" and everyone but senora cristo believed me and it was depressing  so i was all smiling and joyful.... and then we got to the  other school and it was weird...

....so theres this creepy poet guy , who has never published ANYTHING in his life. and he wouldnt even tell us his name. and he had a spitting problem and recited bad scary poetry and he would get all up in your face to try to get you to pay attention and all and get involved. so he got all up in my face and said this really loud line and his saliva got all on my face and it WAS SO GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he SPIT ON ME!!!!!!!!!! it was disgusting then he turned to the person next to me with his back to me and i wiped it off my face and the whole left half of the theatre was laughing. it was really funny.... but so gross...

then me and team REAM(my creative writing group) wrote these really sexual poems about what we'd be like on steroids or with lots of caffine... and it was awesome. and i got to call Anie a whore and break up with her... and then she got all teen angsty and was sad. it was AWESOME, everybody loved it.

after creative writing i was sick of seeing the writing people and i went to snowball even though i didnt have to. and katy wozniak was really pissing me off with her "i wanna answer questions and be upbeat itn an annoying way cause i'm a suck up way" and i had a headache and it was pissing me off plus i was remembering my drama from this morning. and mr pinshower said i should talka bout all my issues... and i didnt say a word the whole time. except to say that katy should marry tim, the other peppy annoying lid cause they were really pissing me off. and i love them both but i just wasnt in the mood.

after that i went back to creative writing and it was lame and we didnt do any thing. and then i stayed in the auditorium for drama and it was annoying. and nothing went well and i was pissed at everyone so i just talked to chelsea cause shes the only tolerable one there. then i remembered our leadership project that i wanted to voulenteer to run, except apparenty they already did that! ugh... i was pissed cause i was clearly the most qualified to direct a commercial. i mean i want to be a director and i have directed plays, i have crew and acting experiance, plus i've written screenplays... i mean come on... but no i wasnt ther cause they bumped up the schedule. i was pissed. so i went back down to drama and someone was looking for aaron gomez  and i was thinking  " what he's probably off raping a man somewhere he'll be back in 20 fucking minutes" and chelsea turned started laughing and hugged me, everyone turned around and either was angry or laughed, then i realized i said that out loud... i felt bad... but oops....

after that a while later i couldnt stand all the fucking drama, coustumes and set and acting and lighting and everything galore... so i asked chelsea to take me to east.... and everything started to get better... Childrens theatre is going to hell apparently... and it made me feel good for some reason...

... then i went to dinner with AJ and she was bitching and it was kindof annoying cause she was in an emotional mood and i couldnt yell at ehr to shut the hell up, so i just smiled and nodded, but in made me feel better casue AJ was there and shes awesome, and i had someone to talk to.

then i went and sang RAINBOW CONNECTION! it was fricken sweet.... well it kinda sucked and the sound kept cutting in an out cause rachel hosticka is annoying and wanted to be asinine more likely than not... but i had a green light and i was happy.... and i smile and i said how we all supported " Katrinia" like the hurricane instead of the people... oops... but it was fun.... and i enjoyed it... then actual good bands played and it was fun.and i danced with dan splitt and it was hott.plus i got a shout out by the 'bone-offing' sopot and the dungeon master. it was sweet. i love hurricane katrinia.... thanks all you dead starving people... you made my day...heheheh

that was my day... i dunno.

otehr recent events were :

marching band with jenny

drama(all 3 shows woot)

and being tom's hero... etc...

my life is BLAH ... but it has redeeming qualities.... mucho amore : Mollie Diedrich.......


"If you shoot at mimes, should you use a silencer? "

Steven Wright (1955 - )

Currently reading:
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
By John C. Maxwell
Release date: By 18 September, 1998

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