(no subject)

Sep 23, 2005 15:51

Rob Godek

Mr. Weston

English 4 Period 1

22 September 2005


I believe every action we take has a consequence, positive or negative that follows of equal and opposite proportions, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Everyday you feel joy you will have another day somewhere down the line that’s its horrible that makes up for it and vica versa.  There is no gain without loss and there is no loss you cant gain something from.

I am also a strong believer in karma. What goes around comes around. What you do to others will come back to you, presenting you with two options either do the same thing as the other person did and become a hypocrite, or learn from their mistakes and become a stronger and better person. Learning lessons form our mistakes and the mistakes of others is the only way to improve ourselves. Everything that looks cloudy has a silver lining. There's always good that comes out of evil, you just have to look for it.

“There is no consciousness except through pain” is a good quote by Carl Jung. It’s a strong quote because I believe it says you have to work for what you believe in. No one is going to do it for you. Unless you work hard to get something you wont appreciate it. Working for something let’s us see how far we are willing to go for something, and how much it means to us. If everything in life we were free there’d be no thing to share. We wouldn’t have any achievements or accomplishments to go around. There’d be nothing to share. Like in the story of genesis with Adam and Eve. They didn’t work for anything and they didn’t respect anything. They saw everything as theirs and ate someone else’s property (the apple). Human nature is to a take as much as we can. And you shouldn’t take what you can’t earn. If everyone got everything equal certain people would work hard and others would slack off and get the same thing. That’s the only flaw with ‘paper’ communism. The slackers getting the same place as the people who work for what they want. If you don’t have a goal to work for you’re not working your potential. If communism worked I would believe in it.

Politically I am a Democrat on a national level and feel we need drastic and quick changes, but I am a republican on a local level and believe we need to hold true to tradition and belief. I am against gay marriage and believe marriage is a holy union. However I do believe in gay unions just with out the marriage spirituality mumbo jumbo. Marriage is sacred. But a union is love. America is about freedom and people should be able to love whom they choose. I don’t feel it is right for the government to keep lovers away from their dying counterparts in hospitals because they aren’t related when theres no option for them to be related. Here in America we have a little thing called the separation of church and state, now if the only reason for gays not to have unions is religion, how can that stop us? This is going to backfire on us eventually, we need to spearhead a movement and get going to make sure when it explodes as a huge world issue, we’re on the side we want to be on.  Politically we need strong leaders who stand up for what they believe in and not what they should believe in or what their party believes in. leadership is responsibility and we are going to need to be responsible in the next few years.

Also I believe you need certain checks and balances as well as self confidence to go far and be the person you desire yourself to be. You need some kind of release like a sport, diary, club, function, computer, confidant etc… going along you need a high moral judgment of yourself. You have to be able to see your strengths and flaws and point them out, otherwise you become devastated when someone else points them out to you and you snap back to reality. Everyone has masques they hide behind and they use to hide from the worlds with, but you cant lie to yourself. You have to have the ability to see your own potential and utilize it. Embrace your passions and you will live longer and fuller.

Religious beliefs should not be the center of a persons morals or life. They aren’t for my life and I don’t see them as a true strong center for morality. No matter what religion or philosophy you are doesn’t matter. Judging people by their heritage or beliefs disgusts me. The main focus in the majority of cultures and religions is tolerance. That’s the thing everyone forgets when pushing their beliefs and views onto others tolerance is a strong center. Without it we would be in numerous religious crusades and have multiple civil wars all simultaneously. Tolerance is the center of religion. Tolerance should be the focal point in our lives.

Another thing I strongly believe in is power. Power and the transference of power and the things that make the world go round. Power is everywhere. Everyone is competitive by nature and think horrible things. We secretly all race each other and wish others would trip and fall flat on their faces, even to our closest friends. Its just human nature to be competitive. Power corrupts and messes with people’s minds. Sex is power, so are love, music, sports, villainy, and government. Without villains there can be no heroes, and to be heroic is power.  Without power everyone would be a follower and we would have no leadership with which to constantly be challenging ourselves to move foreword, and would more likely than not regress.

Things for which I don’t believe in are; soul mates, love, war, electoral colleges, inspiration, judging others, and intolerance. These are the most horribly herotized things that make no sense to me. Judge yourself not others. Be nice. Be pacifist. Enjoy life as much as you can while you can.  Get rich. Get involved. Get fat. Get married. Get along. Just keep moving towards a productive future and promote peace. If not our world will suck. Flat out, no joke suck. You are responsible to be the best person you can be, not just for yourself but also for the future and the future of those around you. Stand up for what you believe in, and remember you can only fail if you never try.

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