Data Entry 011

Oct 21, 2007 12:00

Ah... anyone that I caused distress to yesterday, I apologize. I was acting like a Maverick not myself. Whatever I may have said to you, please disregard it.

[Private to self // extremely hard to hack]

I... was going to harm humans. I would have if I hadn't been stopped. Killing people to protect them... what kind of philosophy is that?

But... it's my philosophy. We kill Maverick reploids under the pretense of protecting everyone else. Human criminals are tried and imprisoned, while we are executed by our own kind as soon as something's suspected to be wrong. General, Colonel, and Iris-- all of the Repliforce... Zero, even. If it ever became public what he is I'd probably be ordered to kill him. I couldn't do that, I wouldn't, but-- I listened when they ordered me to take down Repliforce.

How many innocent lives...?

...I hate this place.


Canti... thank you.

[ooc: After being turned into some kinda homicidal robot drone by yesterday's curse, X attempted to harm civilians after midnight but was stopped by Canti. He's not thinking straight at the moment so strikes & the private section are hackable to the really 1337, esp. Leviathan.]
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