Aug 06, 2008 19:46
So the other night Justin, Jon, Jon's wife (I couldn't believe he actually brought her), and myself went out to main event, an arcade way North West of Austin thats similar to a wonderworks if anyone has been there, basically overpriced, undermaintanenced, and not really something you'd do more than once in a good, long while. It was Justin's birthday, and Jon brought along a girl for Justin to have a date with, well that didn't happen, Justin ended up grabbing her ass which I had no idea about until after she'd left (not for that reason). I have to say that even though i've barely ever dated I don't think Justin picked the right things to talk about with her, on the same token though I don't think she gave Justin a fair chance to begin with. Once again he ended up paying for a girl and getting burned, poor guy, not entirely her fault though, and really none of my business, it was good seeing him again though.
I drove yet again, and DDR'd there, they had a supernova machine, not overpriced, not underpriced either, like between just right and overpriced, somewhere in there, cost a dollar for 3 songs, I drew in a crowd at the end playing legend of maxx and they were all impressed and whatnot, kind of embarassing. There was this rollercoaster simulator as well that we all went into as well as a 3d rollercoaster that played redneck music, what was up with that? Both were pretty entertaining, and the guy was nice enough to let us do the 3d thing for free, because yet again Justin somehow pleased the man, with this previously unknown charisma of his, what a guy.
I spoke with Michael and now i'm confident i'll enjoy my career in computer science, it's more than just games, you can enter other industries too, including animation and work on the various background factors such as wind, and textures, using mathamatical equations to create repetitive patterns and whatnot, good, very good stuff. I think i'll have to consider a BS in computer science, which isn't too many more classes, i'll still only need one more science, and couple more math classes, thats about it.
Been doing DDR today, there has only been one song I have not beaten, and I intend to, i've never let song get past me, and i've beaten every In The Groove song at least once on the hardest difficulty settings (that God I was finally able to put that all behind me), and now, I never thought a DDR song would be the last song for me to take out, it's mad hard, but only because it's just annoying, arrows are too bunched up, and it's just not a well choreographed song at all, not fair in the least, and not fun in the least, just terrible. This is one thing I hate about ITG/DDR games, they used to have style, now it's just about how hard and nonsensical they can make it, simply ridiculous. It is the last hurdle though, the last threshold.
Last night I stayed up till 7 AM, haven't done that in a few years, Clayton had a friend from Dallas down and we played magic all night long, we did teams, first Clayton and I against Jonathan and Eric in which Clayton and I lost, then Jonathan and I against Clayton and Eric, in which Jonathan and i managed to pull a victory. Clayton and I kept trying to tell his friend that because of the decks it wasn't wise to pair Clayton or I up with one of them, since Jonathan and Clayton both had creature decks and Eric and I had enchantment style decks, but he wouldn't listen. I must say though that since I just grabbed my furnace welp deck which needs major restructuring, and Clayton had his other decks which didn't do much against life gaining decks that Eric had a major advantage over us, he kept gaining so much life and was all the way up in the 80's, despite this and my lousy-structured furnace welp deck which is basically a counter deck to life-ganing since it, combined with cranial plating and other enchantments and creatures with flying allows for massive damage, we got as much as 50 damage in one turn (our final attack), Jonathan and I were able to pull a victory thanks to his card which allows all cards on the board to be counted as artifacts, and my cranial plating which uses artifacts to gain attack power, as well as horned helm which allowed for tranple (also very important). I kept getting mana flooded, but our combined strategy proved successful
My thoughts have become a little more clearer as of late, the solitude isn't bad, really, I enjoy it thuroughly, it's like I enjoy solitude as if I were a natural born person of that type, yet i'm not and i'm the type who feels like there is something more that I need to look for, but still wishes he could be that natural born person who is apt to solitude. I want to visit a neurologist at some point in my life, depending on the results i'll decide what path to take in life, perhaps the answer to my solitude lies within my genes and the answer has been right in front of me all along.