recipe for fate, wandering rules

Apr 20, 2012 15:00

Wrong Turn

I took a wrong turn the other day.
A mistake, but it led me to the shop where I found
the very thing I'd been searching for.

With my brother I opened a packet
of old letters from my mother and saw a side of her
that sweetened what had been deeply sour.

Later that day the radio sang a song from
a time when I was discovering love,
and folded me into itself again.

- Luci Shaw

Pick a direction and walk. Don't consult a map. If something catches your eye, go have a closer look. If someone catches your eye, smile and say hello. Sit outside at cafés. Keep to the right. Look both ways before crossing the street, and look behind you once you have in case you dropped anything. Stop to tie your shoes. Put your watch in your pocket and your mobile phone on silent. Bask like a lizard. Sprawl like a cat. Stay hydrated. Feel everything.

This entry was originally posted at because Livejournal sucks at life.
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