What is this journal about...

Jan 17, 2012 23:19

Entries will mostly be in English and in my mother tongue - Serbian, and some in the other languages..

They will be divided on 'Friends Only' and 'Everyone' category...depending on a topic I'm dealt with...

All people are welcome to share their opinions (only without prejudices). (^.^)

And if I'm not around for some time...it means my internet is gone or myself is far away from computer...or even studying for exams... (>.<)

Update: A lot of things has changed over two years since I started this journal. Now I'm studying sinology. I will restrict my writing a bit. There will be posts about thoughts, ideas and opinions which include philosophy and critiqe, quotations from movies and books as well as dramas (Japanese, Chinese, Korean*, Taiwanese) plus reviews and mysticisam expressed through astrology.

* I hope I'll learn Korean soon, so I'll be able to write quotes from Korean dramas too.

fantasy, meditation, languages, videos, kdrama, psychology, myself, parapsychology, mysticism, games, cultures, jdrama, traveling, philosophy, books, japanese, music, tea, art, nail art, pictures, gadgets, crafts making, quotations, everyday life, cartoons, paitings, comics, movies, thoughts, critique, opinions

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