Superhero comics!

Jul 09, 2007 16:09

Since I know so many people (*coughcoughSamandAbramandJanecoughcough*) who like comics, and since I really feel like being preachy for my particular worldview today, and since I really really got a kick out of this post, I am going to post here a link to a recent entry on the blog of the (unbelievably dreamy) Anders Sandberg. All of you should check it out.

To quote the opening paragraph:

"Superhero comics are really about worshipping power. Not political or any other social power, but the futurist thrill of enormous strength, speed and magnitude. To give a chance for the superheros and villains to exert their power some form of plot may be necessary, but the nuclear heart of superhero stories is still seeing individuals do things far outside the human range."

Fiat lux!

Doing things far outside the human range since 1986,
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