Happy Holidays, Your medications cost over $1,000!!

Dec 12, 2009 14:45

If you're younger than 65, you might as well not read this entry. (Aka, my entire F'List, you might as well disregard this)

I work for a medicare drug insurance company. A lot of times, I don't mind my job. It's very nice to be able to assist people with there medications... helping them find an alternative for something they're taking or solve whatever problem the retail pharmacy is having with filling their medications or maybe just shedding some light on their plan basics.

Being a medicare trained agent, I often get caught with the phone calls of people asking why their $40 prescriptions suddenly appear to be $400 per prescription. Oh, the fun having to tell them that they're in the medicare Coverage Gap.

A lot of people aren't even explained what the Coverage Gap IS. We have doctors who can't even understand this thing. Lots of people call it the "Doughnut Hole" because it is exactly that. it is a hole in your coverage that is legal. Here, I'll try to explain...

Ok, every year, Medicare decides how much you can spend before reaching this COVERAGE GAP. In 2010, the amount is $2830. That's a lot of money, right? But here is the kicker... it's not what YOU spend out of YOUR pocket to reach that amount... it's what YOU and your INSURANCE company spend TOGETHER to reach that amount. Meaning...

If you buy a drug for a copay of $40 and your insurance company pays $60. That means the FULL DRUG COST is $100. So, $100 is what is counted towards the Coverage Gap. You're lucky if your medications on'y cost $100. I see a lot of people who pay $4 for a generic that the manufacturers want $2000 for. Yes. Medication can be in the thousands, often time just for one freaking pill. It's insane. Insane.

Oh, and what's worse if that the manufacturers can change the prices as they please, despite what the government says, they do it. It's so upsetting have to explain to someone their drug prices went up $20 because the manufacturer says so.

So, you don't take any meds? That;s too bad. Medicare will PENALIZE YOU for NOT HAVING A PRESCRIPTION DRUG PLAN when you become eligible for it. (When you turn 65 or when you're disabled and are placed on Medicare)

Seriously, this is a bunch of bullshit if I've ever heard it. The coverage gap is just a stage that makes the drug companies more freaking money. IF that's not what it is, could someone PLEASE enlighten me? I seriously can't find any other reason for this bullshit system.

The same goes for the Penalty. I understand the "concern" that medicare has for our elderly to be without drug coverage but it's illogical and discriminating to those who have worked hard and took good care of themselves. Why are we penalizing our citizens for this?

One gentleman said it best. He stated how he will pay for his Rx until he can't pay, lose his home, lose his family, and goes on low income.

Don't we want to help people stay away from LOW income, and more importantly to stay away form losing their lives? Raping our elderly citizen's bank accounts like this is making them all go on low income, which is just using the government's money... it's a vicious cycle and I see it every day. I knwo I'm just 22 years of age, I'm a "damn id"and I don't know anything. However, I know a pile of shit when I smell it. What's worse is no one would listen to me, even if I tried. It's so frustrating. I want to help these people who are on medicare... but I can't. All I can do is sit in my chair at work and tell them how screwed they are.

People tell me every day how Obama is trying to kill off all the elderly. I hate hearing this. I truely believe we're not trying to kill them. It reminds me of the the book The Giver where they used to kill off all the defective people or elderly when they became too old. People shouldn't feel like the world is out to get them. Their nation is out to kill them for reaching old age. We shouldn't make them feel this way.

Something is severely wrong if they feel this way.

WHy can't anyone actually do anything?


It's so depressing.

I'm sorry, old people. I really want to help you... but I'm afraid no one listens to damn kids.

old people, let me people go, i'm just a damn kid, medicare, rant, headache time, old person at heart

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