Untitled Akame Baseball-Inspired Smut for Pat and Gab

Aug 23, 2011 12:35

...Will edit with a better title when I think of one. xD For now, here's some untitled Akame baseball-inspired smut that misao_duo and randomicicle persuaded inspired me to write ( Read more... )

akame, fic, smut, drabble, one-shot

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randomicicle August 23 2011, 17:39:38 UTC
OMG *___________*


randomicicle August 23 2011, 17:42:41 UTC
Unrelated to the porn, which was adorable, but Kame turning off the TV makes me think of those who put family photos face down when having sexytimez xD. So adorable ♥


bluebirdsongs August 23 2011, 21:11:35 UTC
Fufufu, it does kind of feel that way, doesn't it? ='D <3


randomicicle August 23 2011, 21:37:00 UTC
It does! And it has making out on the couch and Kame being all sexy and dom and Jin is so squishy. The sole fact Kame's new muscles were mentioned made my day ♥ We need more Kame appreciation around here #insaneWHO.

Be prepared to be porn-bullied some more 8D


bluebirdsongs August 23 2011, 21:52:24 UTC
Lolol, the only thing it doesn't have is...everything we talked about. ='D Oops~


randomicicle August 23 2011, 22:26:42 UTC
The baseball bat polishing and hitting Jin's balls?


bluebirdsongs August 23 2011, 22:45:57 UTC
...Yes, that exactly. 8D; And hitting home runs. Again, oops~ #baseballinnuendofail


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