Title: Constrained Service
Pairing: Nakame
Rating: NC-17
Genre(s): Smut
Word count: 431
Disclaimer: I don't own them, and I'm not making any money off of this.
Warnings: Bondage, smut, General Nakamaru, slutty!Kame (...Yeah, that pretty much sums up the whole fic. xD)
AN: ...idek xD There was a
meme. There was a prompt on that meme. It spoke to me.
Summary: PWP General Nakamaru/Kame bondage smut. In a chair. Yes. :3
He sees it--the flash of irritation in the other's eyes that means rebellion when the metal cuffs close around his wrists. He feels violated, like his whole being and way of life are getting beaten down into submission by the gesture. His body thrashes, all tightly coiled springs until he chooses to let it go, his head snapping back deliciously as he tries to free himself. His chest heaves when his efforts are in vain, limbs trembling with exertion and sheer adrenaline, and his hackles slowly raise as every fiber of his being rages against the harsh treatment. His strong independent spirit won't let him surrender easily. Dark eyes narrow with the promise of a good fight, a sentiment that hits his captor like a heat-seeking missile, rocking him to the core and setting his veins ablaze.
And yet the general does not falter, does not even think of backing down in face of such a challenge. The starched uniform and the feel of imported leather pressing between his shoulderblades mean he holds the power, and for all the other's protests, he knows that's something his captive is well aware of. Hard, thin lips curl into a sadistic smirk that might look out of place on his features if not for the matching look in his eyes. Cruel fingers tighten around narrow hips, easily pressing hard enough to bruise, and the tiny sigh that escapes the other's lips when he pulls their bodies closer together means it's all over. The smaller body perched above him slumps, his nose suddenly pressed to his collar in the way that his short, stubby fingers would were they not clasped behind his back. It's a gesture that signals submission, as though he realizes complete reliance on him is the only way to get himself out of this predicament.
The sentiment goes straight to the general's cock, and he starts ramming it into his captive's tight ass, an act that would be considered one of brutality save for the cries of, "Yes!" that spill freely from the other's lips with every thrust. It's over; he has won, and yet the admission of surrender only sends his bloodlust spiraling higher. Over and over he lays claim to his prize, only stopping when the younger falls limp against him in complete exhaustion. When he has some semblance of his breath back, he nips just beneath the youth's ear in a final display of dominance. "Tell me, slut, whom do you serve?"
A shudder wracks Kamenashi's frame at the deep, gravelly tone to his superior's voice. "G-General Nakamaru..."