In order to get around Twitter's no double tweeting rule, Mike Broemmel uses emojis to make tweets a little different, which works against him. Not only is it suspicious for so many accounts to make identical tweets at the same time, but it's especially suspicious when those doing it are using identical emojis.
His ubercodes are what I usually use to identify his many accounts. In some cases, especially in the case of his Theatrix accounts, he claims each represents a different location and that they're for his business.
So why 2 different Denver accounts with different spellings on the second word?
Back to the subject line, Mike Broemmel often makes accounts to specifically target the people he's cyberstalking, using names and faces of those he's obsessed with.
Please note the bottom account in this next one.
Identical tweets, identical emojis, tweeted at the exact same time.
That bottom one's bio reads like this.
Mike Broemmel claims to champion the LGBTQ, Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer, community, and yet he uses the very words used to attack them to target the WBC.
To be clear, I'm not too sympathetic. Westboro Baptist Church are monsters who will, I have no doubt, burn in Hell. They're the scum of the Earth and if they actually think God is on their side they clearly never read the Good Book. Mike Broemmel seems fond of using them as weapons, claiming associations that don't exist in order to slur the women he cyberstalks, and just as he claims to support the LGBTQ, he's not above using them as weapons at others.
The account is written in the tone of the people the WBC targets are coming to get them, with a collection of suggestive imagery, gay slurs, and rape tweets hashtagged to the WBC's main tag. Most of the retweets of that content are from accounts belonging to Mike Broemmel.
If you goto any tweet's URL and then click the number of retweets at the bottom, it brings up a list of accounts that did so.
You may recall 2 of those from the identical tweets and identical emojis above.
Mike Broemmel regularly retweets and likes his cyberstalking in order to get them to be Top Tweets in searches or when he uses an @, to continue bringing up notifications to those he targets.
1 singular writer is indicated by identical tweets and identical emojis.
Mike Broemmel is a convicted criminal, this behavior is so very him.
His reaction to this post: