
Sep 05, 2015 00:29

ubermikeb3107 is the code this TwitterAbuser uses across all of his accounts, occasionally without the uber to just mikeb3107, which is only significant as it's the easiest way to identify his Twitter accounts. Every single one of his abusive accounts, he tweets this code excessively over several days and anywhere between 15 to 20 hours each of those days.

As can be viewed here: link.
As well as here: link

Only accounts he doesn't use the code on are his very new ones, and some of the ones he's neglected from before he started using the code.

In trying to work out why he does it, I found two possibles. Anytime anyone uses the code he's tweeting, it gives him $20 off anytime he uses Uber's service in the future. Also, as many celebrities, real ones, occasionally post Uber codes, there's the minor detail that anytime anyone uses his code he gets $5.

He must be really desperate for money.

The thing of it is, this code only can benefit one man: Mike Broemmel, the mikeb in the code. It's not a business code, or it would have the business in their instead of his name.

No, he uses the code on the same accounts he uses to slander people with, as in this case me.

The above aren't all of his accounts, he has several hundred. From which he spams, slanders, and stalks women online; smearing me too because I keep pointing out it's what he does.

All I can really do is keep blocking him.

All he can do is lie about me, I can prove everything I say he does.

That's why, ultimately, he endlessly loses.

I figured it out later: link.

ubercodes, ubermikeb3107, mikeb3107

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