I love Barack *that* much more now that I know he is a sworn enemy of the parking nazis, just like me! Here's the
full article, and here's a tasty morsel of an excerpt:
Now let's consider some of his financial decision-making. First, there are
those parking tickets. When Obama was attending Harvard Law School, he apparently racked up 19 parking tickets in Somerville and Cambridge, Mass.-and paid only two of them (both late). Then, 15 years later, two weeks before he announced his candidacy and just as the Boston Globe began sniffing around, Obama suddenly paid the remaining $375 in fines.
What can we glean from this psycho-financial nugget? First, like many people, Obama apparently parks his car wherever he pleases, finds parking tickets trivial and annoying, and knows uncollectable debts when he sees them. Supporters will cite this as further proof that Obama is just a regular guy. Detractors will say that Obama is an arrogant scofflaw who stole $375 from the people of Massachusetts, hid for 15 years as a fugitive in Illinois, and then came clean only when he realized that he was about to be brought to justice. A financial analyst, meanwhile, might conclude that Obama was merely employing a tactic familiar to anyone who has ever run an undercapitalized business: stretching out his payables. If the United States ever gets into a financial bind, President Obama would presumably be able to figure out which creditors we have to pay and which we can stiff.