do you really think im doing all of this for you?

Feb 07, 2004 14:44

i spend most of yesterday afternoon cleanign my apartment. then i went to the food store and ran into kt, so she came over and we hung out and watched "thirteen". it's such a good movie!!

Laureal was suppose to come out with me last ngiht to Hush. but she didn't feel like going out, so i went and mete up with Rod, a guy i work with, and we hung out at Hush for awhile. it was hosue music, and not to bad. but $10 cover and beer was like $5.25 or soemthing like that!

so we ended up leaving and going with his friends to this club called Velvet Underground, or something like that, and it was so much fun. we danced and drank all night. we left around 3am, and Rod walked me home, cause he lived in the same direction, then he ende dup comign over and we just chilled till 7am watching movies and talkign and that. Itw as a lot of fun. he's a pretyt cool guy. Im trying to hook him and my friend Laureal up!

i gotta work at 4pm today :(. i don't usually work weekends cause I go to Hamilton, but they had me working so i just decided to stay and work.

i think i may have to start workign weekends to make more $, which means I won't get to see Dave as much.

this coming Saturday I have an interview at Humber college, at 8:45am!! and i gotta take the subway and bsu there, that means getting up at like 6! and im closing Friday night, and Adrinne and I where going to go get soem drinsk after, I may have to cancel out on the drinking and go another time. Friday is also FRIDAY THE 13TH!! OoOoo. I usually have good luck on that day, knock on wood.

anyways, besides that not to much else is new, my birthdays in a few weeks!!!!!!
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