I was outside (not smoking) and for some reason, I started thinking about the day I found out my grandma died.
How we sleept at our neighbors house, while my mum went to hosiptal, then she came to get us and I could hear her talking to her friend downstairs, and she was crying. She then came upstairs and got my sister and I and we drove out to my uncles, where the rest of my aunts and uncles where, by now it was msot likley 9pm ish, and my uncle gleen was stairing at the couch where my grandma had went to take a nap, and then died in her sleep, while my uncle was out putting her x-mas lights up.
We then all went to my other uncles and slept there, and he hadn't told his children cause they where sleeping and then the next morning we all gatherd in the kitchen, and mum and her brothers where calling people, while my, sister, and 2 cousins tried to keep busy doing other stuff....
3 days later we had the funneral. There was a rose laied in the casscit for each member of the family. And the minister, who was a female minister (my grandma wasn't very found of her *lol*) read the poem "footseps" .
Because it was Dec we couldn't bury her so later that spring we all gathered again to bury my grandma and then I don't know if it was that day or the next, but my mum took me shopping and I bought these cute pink overall shorts and a pink shirt and a pink hair clip ( all from suzy shier). It was 1995.. it was cool then.
Isn't it wierd how you can remember some things in such detail?! And what makes us think of these things out of the blue? I think it was because my friends grandpa just died, and it triggered memories. It was 9 years this past december that my grandma died. and I miss her very much. Unfortunalty Im not as close to my fathers mother as I was to my mums.
ANYWAYS.. on to happier things...
I got a job working ata restraunt, I hope my first shift yesterday and everyone seems so nice. Totally different from the last restraunt I wrked in, which is good. I also just found out there's this LCBO thats open till 11pm!! It's a hike, but I guess if i want it enough I can do it... or I can just go to the one by my place, before it closes *lol*
I dont' think Im going to see Dave this weekend. I have plans for tonight (friday) and tomorrow till about 3 ish. But I don't want to be the one to make the plans this weekend.
Wat else is new..... um not to much, been going to the gym almost everyday. As much as I clean my apartment, it just keeps getting messy!
a pix of me on the elevator @ my apartment. it looks really weird cause the fl;ash made the background look odd..and for some reaosn my mouth looks wierd...... but i didnt want it make it to big, even thouhg it would have looked normal that way