i started forcing laulaumonster to remember her dreams, and i bought her a little notebook and am forcing her to write them down. it is fun. for me at least. :D
anyways. i needo go, coz i want to go watch some of That 70's Show. but i am just gunnna post a couple quizies i stole from annaface.
You Are 48% Angry
Generally, you are not an angry person.
But you're easily frustrated and enraged. You have one heck of a temper.
And because of your anger, you tend to feel resentful and even spiteful.
You already know how to quell your anger. You just need to do it more often.
How Angry Are You? i a ctually woulf have thought that i would get a higher score... it is like, i get mad really easily. mostly at my little sister. but it really (usually) does not last very long at all.
What Your Bathroom Habits Say About You
You are very independent and self-centered. You don't solve other people's problems - and you don't expect them to solve yours.
You spend a lot on clothes, and you tend to be a very dresser. However, it's hard for you to throw away trendy clothes when they go out of style.
You are a little shy and easily embarrassed. You often wonder if you are normal.
In relationships, you are practical and realistic. You have a romantic side, but you only let it out when it's appropriate.
What Do Your Bathroom Habits Say About You? hm, that is actually pretty accurate. i wonder how they got that from four questions. 'prolly just a coincedence. except the part about the clothes.