Jun 14, 2003 16:51
I fell today. Actually fell down. Gravity got the better of me.
I had let Kudra and Zeus outside. I didn't tie Kudra up, thinking the dogs could just wrestle and play. Except that Kudra immediately went to the hedges and crawled inside, going into the neighbors yard. I called her, and whistled to her. She wouldn't come back. I could hear my neighbors little yapping dogs yap yap yapping, I knew she was terrorizing them. So I ran back inside to put on some shoes, at which point I saw Zeus wiggle through the hedges also. As I was trying to find my shoes, Kudra came running in, wiggling in her "so sorry" way. I was furious. I reached for her, trying to grab her tail, but she kept running toward the back door again. We ran through the kitchen, and in my reaching and lunging for her, she moved too fast and I went dooooown. Fell on my left side, scraped up my knee a bit, and my elbow. She heard me fall, and turned around just at the bottom of the stairs out the door. I looked at her and said COME HERE. She came back inside, and I stood at the door calling for Zeus. Finally, I heard him coming galumpfing down the drive-way. The little brat had gone into the neighbors yard, and out the front, and then come back down the driveway.
These dogs are going to get me in so much trouble. I haven't met my neighbors yet, I have no desire to.