Dec 22, 2005 14:16
I had a very difficult time getting up this morning. But I managed it and I'm at work with 2 hours 20 minutes to go. It's hard for time to fly by when you've got nothing to do but sit and watch time as it moves. forward. slowly.
I'm so fucking tired. Yay for two 3-day weekends in a row!
My right shoulder is huuuurrting. And if it's not hurting, it's numb. I wake up lying on my left side and my right arm is all tingles and asleep. I need a session with my massage therapist.
Lisa, the girl that did my tattoo last year, is now living closer to town. She was in Bend, now she's in Wilsonville. We chatted a bit and told her I'd likely be in touch in January or February. Woohoooo.
I'm not doing a very good job today. It's all I can do just to stay awake. I've been wracking my brain to come up with some excuse why I need to leave early.