Shattered 1x04

Oct 01, 2010 04:28

If, in actual fact, this was episode 4. Thanks to an episode being skipped for Big Brother, we're now getting Shattered all out of whack. As if it was going to be easy to follow in the first place, what with the subject matter and all. Still, as long as there is Callum on tv, that's what counts right? Right. :D

ANYWAY. 'Sound Of A Strap':

Here we go! Ben catches Ella with a needle. She has a drug problem! (which we knew already, thanks Global.) She doesn't like Ben screwing with his whore! He's denying it. (is it wrong to think Molly and Callum are totally hot when they're 'fighting'?)

Bunch of kids getting drunk in a house. This is not going to end well.

Back to Ben and Ella. Still fighting. Still hot. He's going to change in a minute, but who are we going to get?!

Ivan? He's new! And also appears to be quite nasty to poor Ella. :(

Oooh but she gives good slap! TAKE THAT, IVAN! That made him go away. Heh.

Kids again. Oh god. :\

Now Ella is shooting up in the bathroom. Damn.

Hail of gunfire. Guess that means their party is over.

These titles need jazzing up a bit.

Ok, checking out the crime scene. There are dead kids everywhere. Ben susses out what went down really quickly AND he finds the girl outside, when no one else did. How long has that poor kid been shivering out there?!

Sensitive moment with Lynch and the girl. I'm sensing things are not all they seem with Lynch here... Personal things. Hmm.

Meanwhile, Ben is tracking down some gang members. Oh my, look at him run. That is a thing of beauty, right there. *sigh*

Gum spitting! (Callum? Ben?)

He REALLY likes slamming people against walls. Ben, you enjoyed that way too much. akjshdjahsd

No, Holl, that is NOT the right way to break the bad news.

HA, Lynch slapping kid on the head. Don't mess with her!

Wow, Kevin has some balls expecting to see Pam after chewing her out like that. Is everyone on this show messed up?

The Doc is DRINKING on the job?!! Okay, then. Everyone on this show IS messed up. o.O

Lynch slaps Ben on the arm for hijacking her interview. HEE. <3

DRIVE-BY SHOOTING!! Please don't hit our heroes! OH THANK GOD. GO BEN GO!!!!

So Lynch is stealing people's food again, eh? Holl and Lynch are flirting. I wonder if they'll get it on eventually. *g*

Boys in the bathroom. Wait, what did Ben just say? WHAT? OH PLEASE HOLD IT FOR HIM TERRY. IF YOU DON'T I WILL. *faints*


The Doc wants Ben to go to an AA meeting? I feel the presence of twilight zone music would be appropriate here. O.o

Ben is asking for time off, I think he needs it.

Ben and Ella on their couch. That's why he wants time off, to sort things out with her. Awwww. Ben's pleading with you, Ella. :*( Damn that Ivan.

Now this is interesting. I like the slow drive-by. Ben really should watch the road instead of those gang members, though. Ahem.

Ben being helpful in the morgue, but not that helpful - he didn't bring a latte!


Uh oh. Lynch lost the girl.

Ben has gone over to the dark side, he's just tossed the two kids in the cell together. The sound of the strap! There it is.

Ben's driving, except... he's not. Sam, I'm guessing? Which ever one he is, he's a CRAZY MOFO. I love him.

MAD MAX. Okay, I love this whole scene. *claps with glee*

They've got the girl. She finally confesses. Ouch. :\

Ben arrives back home, looking mighty fine, I have to say. But there are bags in the hall, and he thinks it's for holiday times. OH NOOOOOOO. Ella's kicking him out. NOOOOOOO. *hugs them all*

He's off to his trailer. Again. :(

Ah! This is where he writes down what triggers the personalities! Clever!


So, that episode was pretty intense. A lot more of the characters are revealed which is interesting. Some things are still missing from that 'previously on Shattered' clip that was aired, like I was expecting Harry to be watching the porn in this episode, as was mentioned at the end of 'Don't Wanna Die'. WHERE WAS THAT?

Maybe they're just saving all the good Harry stuff for next time. Now THAT will be an episode to watch... ;)

tv boyfriends!, tv ponderings, fannish, ckr, callum's special skills

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