Oct 19, 2009 03:49
I've bought a lot of DVDs lately, which was a good thing really as I had a bit of a cold during the week and couldn't spend too long in front of the computer screen - everything was too bright and eye-hurty. UGH. So! New stuffs I watched:
a. House S5, which took me 3 days to finish. Not sure I like the way it ended but I still give it thumbs up. And I still love House & Wilson. ♥
b. Urban Legend box set. o.O Okay so I'm mad and bought it for something creepy to watch at Halloween. I had the first movie on video and thought the box would be a good replacement. HA. Really I should just have stuck to something creepy with Callum in it, because what a fucking waste of money that box was. With the exception of the first movie, which I actually liked, the second two were dire. DIRE. Three hours of my life I'm never getting back! etc.etc.etc. *headdesk*
c. Monsters Inc & The Sword In The Stone. Courtesy of Disney's 'buy one get one free'. My sister: "You bought that for Archimedes didn't you." Um. Yees? HEE.
d. X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It's not out until tomorrow but my DVD arrived yesterday. Ah the beauty of pre-order. I haven't watched it yet; saving it for tomorrow after Flashforward. \o/
Not A DVD but Harper's Island finished on BBC3 tonight. I was able to watch and wonder WTF every week... right up to the episodes Callum was in. That's when work crap got in the way and I missed the last 3 episodes. WHY, UNIVERSE, WHHHYYYYYYYYY! Ahem. Okay, as I'd already seen them and knew the outcome of the show, I wasn't too devastated. Just gutted I missed Callum being... err.. gutted so to speak. :P So long Harper's Island! You weren't the worst thing I've ever watched (see point B above), but you were silly. Must get the DVD. *g*
shiny new things,
tv ponderings