I'm thinking I should just buy the HI dvds now..

Sep 13, 2009 22:48

It will be another 4 weeks for the BBC to get to the important Callum portion of Harper's Island. Tonight featured the episode where Wakefield's photo was flashed in the newspaper. *insert gleeful squeak here*

So, I'm four episodes in - BBC3 seem to be showing it in double bills. Possibly to get it over with quicker, who knows - and it's just plain silly. People are getting bumped off for no reason (so it seems to me.) so this is supposed to be scary? Yeah, not so much.

It's a wee bit strange that no one has found Uncle Marty's body yet. Well, the half that's been left dangling from the footbridge, anyway. You'd think someone would notice like, a smell, or something. Eww. You would also think someone would notice the blonde chick with the annoying little dog had mysteriously disappeared. No one cares about her either, I guess. Hey this lot are too busy with fishing trips and China tea sets getting broken to wonder where some of the guests have gone.

AND WHAT IS WITH THE LITTLE GIRL AND THE SPIRITS?! Take the creepy child away, thanks.

Anyway. Of all the 'guests' I think I like Cal best, even though I know what's instore for him. He makes it further than most at least. Bring on the next two episodes!

+ Superman IV was on tv this afternoon. OH THE CHEESE, how it amused me. *g* Those movies looked really good back in the day. Now? Oh dear. Christopher Reeve is still my favourite Superman, though.

+ Excess Baggage was also on tv today. I chose to ignore it, and with it Callum's teeny tiny role as the motel manager. Aww.

+ Went to see District 9 the other night. It wasn't what I was expecting, but it was pretty good (if slightly, um, gooey?). There was a trailer for Sherlock Holmes which I WILL be going to see whenever it comes out. Oh yes. :D

The Case 39 poster that I saw before? It's gone already. :( I'm taking that as Not-A-Good-Sign...

movie watching, tv ponderings

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