*crosses fingers*

Feb 13, 2009 06:08

Hello from the land of intermittent internet. Where have I been? Well, the speedy version goes like this: internet disappeared, techie guy didn’t know what the problem was, replacement modem didn’t work, phone line was monitored, there was a blizzard (ok that probably had nothing to do with it), but late last night the broadband seemed to have healed itself so here we are.

Ta da!

So for the time being I'm crossing fingers, toes, eyes, etc etc. that this is not a figment of my imagination. It will take a while to catch up on stuff because it is verrrrrrry slow - think unfit hamster on a rusty wheel powering this thing and you could have some idea of how slow this is going *g* - but I hope everything is well with the good folks of eljay. I missed yooou!

PS - Big \o/ for Callum’s Genie nomination. :D

PPS - I'm too scared to switch off the lappy. Please don't leave me, internet! *clings*
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