Why So Serious?

Jul 28, 2008 23:55

- Summer weather has definitely arrived. The buzzing things can stay outside though. Do not like!

+ Went to see The Dark Knight yesterday afternoon instead of Wall-E. (There may have been bribary with fudge sundaes. Ahem.) It was really good even if I found Christian Bale's Batman voice hard to make out what the hell he was saying and highly amusing at the same time. I haven't seen a Batman movie since Arnie played Mr Freeze, Bale as Batman was a new experience for me! As for Heath Ledger? Wow. I'm not a fan of his by any means, but the man had talent. He was suitably crazed as the Joker, and creeped me right out. Uh, he also looked rather fetching in a nurse uniform, which, okay, wrong, but still. *g*

I thought it was about to end twice only for it to keep on going, so maybe it was a little bit longer than it could have been. Also, I wondered if some brief scenes were cut just so it could make the 12A certificate in this country - a couple of times it just seemed to... jump? At weird moments? Or maybe that was just my blinking at the wrong time. Heh. I give it two thumbs up anyway.

Trailers: Get Smart, The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor, RocknRolla, and Tropic Thunder. I'd like to see the new Mummy movie out of that lot, though the trailer was full of lame injokes. Still, for a couple of hours watching Benton Brendan Fraser kick some ass, I could deal with it.

- Amazon Sale, you bad bad thing. I bought the original X Files movie and Season two on DVD, both of which have been on my wishlist for, oh, approximately four years. Things just tend to linger on there when I can't justify forking out the cash. Anyway, with the new movie out next week all that stuff is on sale right now, and I got the twitchy finger hovering over the Buy Meeee! button. Again. *sigh*

+ Speaking of the XF, in RL I've rounded up a couple more folks to see the movie with next week. I thought I'd have to go see it alone, but it turns out I've been friends with closet XF fans this whole time. I wonder if they watch Battlestar Galactica...

- I feel like I need to go sit in a bath of cold water right now. The heat, man. THE HEAT. Phew.

movie watching, lists

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