Ah, the internet.

May 31, 2008 03:50

I saw a huge poster for the new X-Files movie today which made me stop and stare for a second, and think OMG TWO MONTHS EEEEEE! etc. etc. It's the same design as the Polish one that did the rounds a while back, except it's in English obviously and has the UK release date plastered along the bottom. After having a look about the internets, I couldn't find that particular one, though it is the international poster design anyway so it's nothing new that anyone would be missing - it's even listed here with a huge downloadable version (I wrote "Hugh" there at first. Brain please behave).

I also couldn't stop myself looking for Callum's name but he does not seem to be important enough high enough in the credits to warrant a mention on the poster art. Boo. Hey, the 2nd Abductor should get a mention, right? no? Okay then. *shooshes self*

Continuing woe of my Bad Internet: it's a combination of old computer and internet not willing to get along anymore. Last week my broadband went down. After fiddling about with it for a while I got it back up and running \o/ Shortlived joy, because I've since been told by my ISP that my system is too old to play. neener neener neener will shortly be no longer supported therefore unable to access their all new broadband service. Unless I go back to dial-up. I don't think so!

This latest setback is the final push I need to upgrade this old machine. Maybe I'm a wee bit resistant to change, but I accept the machine is out of date which is not good for security and whatnot. So. I can either buy a new base unit for the pc or go the full eight yards and get a laptop. I'm leaning towards the latter, really. Then again, there is nothing wrong with my desktop, it works perfectly well, it just doesn't co-operate with the internet anymore. But... a shiny new laptop! Wheeee!

Must research.

It's a good thing is research. If I researched more I wouldn't be staring at my phone bill in horror right now. Yes, the phone bill arrived today, the first one since I got my sweet new mobile. It was enough for me to make changes to my contract and I will not be accessing the internet through my phone EVAR AGAIN.

(By that I mean, just not in the next three weeks until the contract changes take effect because OMG...!)

random, ckr movies

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