Brain dump.

Mar 28, 2008 18:38

As of today, I am on holiday. Not that I'm off on any travels - I would be on the first plane to Vancouver Seattle Vancouver anywhere in Canada really, if I could - but I have 7 days away from work and I am so glad. I was getting cranky with the locals again.

SO. I will be productive. I will... spring clean, and... stuff. *vague* Or I'll just get distracted and not do anything productive in RL at all. Which is highly more likely. Yus.


I came home to find doggy paw prints all over my bedroom carpet, which might be seen as a little odd considering I don't have a dog? The house was not besieged by random strays, it was just my 'nephew' who had tagged along with BluebelleSister and her boyfriend while I was out. She has fixed the bathroom light. (or rather, the boyfriend did. Heh.) All it needed was a bulb change but I'm not good with standing up on the ladder trying to insert stupid candle-shaped bulb into the most ridiculous light fitting in existence.

Confession: have been without bathroom light for weeks because of this. /o\ My own fault for picking most ridiculous light fitting in existence in the first place just because it looked 'cool'. *shamed*


And more RL rambleys - Crazy friend J sent me a text the other day to say that she had dreamed we were on a trip to Canada. The Van Couver (that's how she worded it. Aw.) portion of the trip was interrupted because I suddenly went into labour (wthell?!) then she got mad when I wouldn't tell her who the father was. O.O

This was about two days after I had a dream I was trying to get a Canadian passport, too. She said maybe it's a sign. Of what, I do not know. But HEE!


I've been thinking of buying the region 1 set of the new S3 BSG. I already have S3 - it's been out here for months - but sadly it is very lacking in all things extra, like deleted scenes. Deleted scenes that are actually very interesting and.. um.. hot.


*looks on Amazon*

Discs I have: Basic. No frills. Has one extra disc with a 40 minute mish-mash of previous episodes. Just so you are all caught up and ready for the series you have just watched on the other 5 discs. Oh yes. Clevurrr.

Discs I don't have: 15 hours of extras. Deleted scenes! One even includes Leoben stripping off shirt in hottest thing to come before my eyeballs EVAR.

Yeees. It's a tough call. I don't have multiple copies of any sort of media, aside from my ongoing-but-very-slow project to replace all my old VHS tapes with DVDs. Having two sets of S3 is possibly slightly bonkers. And I shouldn't really buy them at this moment anyway since I bought the Tinman DVD (which still hasn't arrived yet, btw. *frets*) and I'm trying to limit my crazy self from going overboard with teh Amazon. But... Leoben. Leoben. Leoben.

*adds to wishlist for now*


Ok, time to have some dinner. Ooh I'll get to eat healthy food this week. Another plus point of having the week off. Wheeee!

random,, fannish

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