Oooo shiny!

Jan 17, 2008 22:54

Two things.

1. I has a Double Happiness DVD in my mitts, which I will watch shortly.

2. I got new boots today. \o/ Went out looking for good sturdy winter boots and came home with... a pair that look vaguely similar to those worn by a certain Chicago flatfoot. *coughs*


Faking it! (Unlike Kowalski, I have small feet. Heh.)

The sales assistant said they were really comfy for working in, which I suspected was just one of those pitches they make to con you? But then she lifted the leg of her jeans to reveal she was wearing a battered brown pair of her own. HA! I refrained from pointing and calling them Kowalski!Boots! out loud. Ahem.

Alright, I have chinese food to eat, and Callum stuffs to watch. *looks at boots a bit more* Eeee!

shiny new things, ckr movies

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