Dec 29, 2007 23:37
...well, that is if you're a customer frequenting my place of work. Ah, Christmas. Brings out the best in people. Raar.
Anyway, not to dwell on the sucky, I feel my time is better spent doing completely unproductive things like watching tv and cooking cheese and onion sausage rolls for dinner - I don't know why they're called 'sausage' rolls, for there was definitely no sausage present. Hmm. *mysterious* Still, they were nice, and in keeping with festive spirit, had some mince pies and brandy cream afterwards. *pats belly*
So far today I have watched:
Pirates 3: At World's End. Christmas present from BluebelleSister - ironically, I bought her the movie on dvd too, but we managed to get different versions for each other. Marvel at our brains!
Titanic - James Cameron's masterpiece, naturally. It was on the BBC earlier. Condensed version is pretty much:
"No, Jack, Nooo!"
*ship sinks*
I do love a good drama.
Of course, it was about that time when Old Rose tossed her diamond into the sea, that I realised I spent about 6 hours watching telly. Damn, those movies are long. I really should do something more productive... maybe later. Heh. *digs through dvds*
tv ponderings