When Dr House shares his wisdom...

Oct 02, 2007 03:27

Firstly, I am woefully behind on all things teevee it seems. Oh well. Better catching on late than never.

Second, to further demonstrate my behindedness (what? That could be word. :p ) just finished watching Season one of House. Imagine my glee when the good doctor started telling inuit stories. Hehehe. Alright, he only told one from what I saw - the one about going fishing and looking for the Blue Heron, which came from the lips of a Mountie last time I heard it. Is Gregory House channeling Benton Fraser? *eyes House suspiciously*

Anyway, I usually have to work whenever House airs, so it was good to watch it properly for a change.

I did not have any visions of nekkid Callum lying in a bed in need of desperate medical attention. Nope. *coughs*


And for a little bit of RL:

I committed to a night of hair dye madness with my Sister. Her hair, not mine. It's been a while since the last time we tried this- she ended up a hysterical mess because she wanted blonde streaks and it turned her (brown) hair ginger. *facepalm* I am only armed with plastic gloves and the bottle, if the hair does not co-operate, it is not my fault!

I could take some dvds with me. I'm sure the sight of CKR would be enough to take her mind off whatever is happening to her head. She thinks he's weird, but it's denial, I'm sure...

random, real.life, tv ponderings

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