I need another holiday

Sep 26, 2007 03:21

Survived Completed first week back at work? Check.

Resisted temptation to lob large blunt objects at useless managers heads? Check.

Home still standing after slight electrical socket explosion? Check. (That one should really be on a different check list.) *grumbles*

On the plus side:

* I bought Hot Fuzz, which I saw at the cinema back in March (or whenever it was out here). Was just waiting for the ridiculously priced DVD to become more affordable and by the power of Grayskull, it now is!

* Finally started to watch the S1 House box set I picked up ages ago. Shouldn't really watch 'tropical disease' related episodes before bed though. Watching things before bed in the past has led me to dreams of Jerry Bines, and Asher Talos (which, you know, yes please!). Last night I dreamt scorpions were chasing me. That can't be good. O.o

* While wandering aimlessly around the supermarket tonight, I stumbled across some Canadian cheese, complete with maple leaf logo. This may have pleased me more than a block of cheddar should please a girl, but hey..

* I'm off for the next two days. Probably sleep all day tomorrow, then spend some quality time with the internets. Oh yes! *clings*

It has taken me way too long to write this for I am needing the sleep. I go do that now... *conks out*

real.life, lists

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