Oct 27, 2008 14:44
I had to go to walmart the other day to get some milk and a whole shit load of pictures developed from my camera...need more space now with holidays coming up ^_^ Anyways as I was standing in the check out line I just couldn't believe the buggies and buggies and buggies filled with nothing but candy for the trick or treaters. This one woman had 2 buggies filled to compacity with nothing but bags and bags of candy and popcorn balls etc. Another old lady had nothing but boxes and boxes and boxes of hug mugs. Do they really have that many kids that come trick or treating in their neighborhood? And with the economy as crappy as it is, its kinda nice to see that people for the hell of it will still buy shit loads of candy to give to any kid that shows up on their door step on halloween. It really is nice of people to want to do that for the trick or treaters...to spend all that money on junk food etc. I can't wait to take Adrianna out this year.