May 12, 2005 23:21
The reason I've written so much about my in law's is because some decisions are going to have to be made within the next year or two.
Neither Abram nor I have wills. The stereotype about people in the legal field being the most likely to die intestate is true. If something were to happen to the both of us, probably my in law's would end up with Angelina.
My mother couldn't do it, her health is too bad and she's getting old. I don't WANT my in laws to do it. Angelina is extremely strong willed, my FIL would be completely uninvolved with her and my MIL would let Angelina run roughshod over her. There's no way her nerves could take it.
I have two friends, a married couple, that I would be comfortable with *judging from what I know of them right now.* I'll call them ... oh ... Patti and Shawn. They're committed Christians, no kids of their own yet but they're gonna be fantastic parents. Patti is good with kids but knows how to set boundaries. Angelina worships her.
I think, though, that if you're going to ask someone to be your kid's godparent, you should make sure they could financially swing it, which is why, regardless, I'm going to buy the biggest life insurance policy we can afford once I get my job with the state. Abram's grandmother bought him a life insurance policy -- quarter mil, I think? -- but we have none on me. If I were to go I'd like to know that Abram would have plenty of money to take care of himself and Angelina with a minimum of fuss.
The situation will probably never arise, but it bothers me that there is nothing officially decided, and at the moment there is nothing I can do about it. Abram doesn't know Patti and Shawn as well as I do, so of course I don't expect him to just go "sure, whatever" in a decision like this. I have a nice family, and some cousins that are trustworthy and young enough to do it, but Angelina hardly knows them. I would want her life to be as stable as possible if something happened, which means choosing someone around here and someone she has spent a lot of time with.